Dr. Hfuhruhurr

So much of children's entertainment is such absolute shit. And then you see something like Totoro and it makes you appreciate that it is possible to make good entertainment for children. Once I have children I want to indulge them in the good entertainment and keep them away from the lazy, corporate shit cynically

Indeed an awesome band.  Would love to see them live.  But I did see Jonathan Fire*Eater at a house show in '95.  And I was drunk, so F all y'all!

@Call, Did Bob Dylan join Public Enemy?  I guess it was time for Flavor Flave to go.

@avclub-c1393a6cb4e64215bbe3b6804a948e4e:disqus , Live At Shea Stadium is good, but I really Complete Control on Eternity.

Agreed you just need the albums, not these box sets and compilations (they have both an Essential Collection and an Ultimate Collection.  Which one should I buy???)

The latter.

It doesn't include Cut the Crap???   But that's the only album I don't already have.

Is it a coincidence for an article about pretentiousness in music to appear on the same day Ray Manzarek died?  I quite like The Doors, and a bit of pretentiousness, and the Doors could be pretentious.  Or maybe it was just their frontman.

Thanks but I've already got one.

Dude, why is Tim Pat Sebag Montefiore so pissed off?

An unfinished Thom Yorke album?  I think he already released this and called it The King of Limbs.

Is this a prequel to the Big Lebowski?

Something tells me that in the long run things aren't going to work out very well for this kid.

In his defense, I believe he's just paraphrasing the Dalai Lama.

Well yeah, sure, that's reasonable.

I don't need the pictures of Tom, and wouldn't pay $200 for this, but would be curious to read Tom's writing and see his personal photos (assuming he didn't take them of himself staring into a mirror).

We're an American Band
Cherry Chapstick
Deeper Into Movies
Big Day Coming
Pass the Hatchet, I Think I'm Goodkind

This sounds really good.  Show Your Bones was great.

I liked How the Dead Live but felt it was overly reliant on a gimmick.  Other writers have turned me off to contemporary British novels. Martin Amis makes me cringe.  Zadie Smith's White Teeth did not live up to the praise it was given.  But I'll check this out, from this review it sounds promising.

I think it would be safer to focus on neutralizing the NRA, first.