Dr. Hfuhruhurr

Do you want me to tell you where this finger has been?

This seems to be an issue for you.  Why don't you lie back on the couch and tell me about when you first experienced these feelings.

I had no idea who Tom O'Brien is but when I first saw this, I thought it was from Tim O'Brien and it didn't seem like anything Tim O'Brien would write.  And anyways, I guess I was right, Tim O'Brien didn't write this.

You know, this thing was a celebration of gratuitous violence and then in real life there was heinous, senseless violence.  And these guys ended up looking like douchebags.

It's really dumb title.  When I first started hearing about it I thought it must be some direct-to-dvd thing.  Then I heard Brolin and Penn were in it and assumed they must have changed the title after they signed up for this.

Not seen Miller's Crossing???  I'm not a movie snob but… you're on the internet for christsake, go download it!

Agreed.  I read the NYTimes article and her reaction to it.  She came across as crazy. But I don't care, I like her music.

If you sample The Clash, you're cool with me.

Rock is no more of a mythic saving force than Coca Cola or the Flintstones.

"Baby if this was Nuremberg  they'd be hanging on your every word.  Sucking on your cyanide, maybe baby it's the only cure."

Wow, I can't believe the AV Club reviewed this.  I've got it on order and will read soon.  The Psychic Soviet was a good read, too.

No, not really.  This newswire was just posted to fuck with you.

Hanging with Bono?  That has to be worse than experiencing the fatwa.

This dilemma keeps me up at night, too.

I know it sounds crazy, but who am I to question God.

Take that diaper off your head and put it back on your sister!

Oh, how I lament the days when when the Wayans were often funny…

It's a simple statement that what is anticipated for the coming year does not excite me.

It's a simple statement that what is anticipated for the coming year does not excite me.

Honestly, other than the new Arcade Fire and the Phil Spector bio, I couldn't give a crap about most of this.