Dr. Hfuhruhurr

Honestly, other than the new Arcade Fire and the Phil Spector bio, I couldn't give a crap about most of this.

Why hasn't Tosh been hit by a truck yet?

Why hasn't Tosh been hit by a truck yet?

Why do you hate America?

Why do you hate America?

Reading the comments below, I would say this film is hilarious if you don't mistakenly take it too seriously.

Reading the comments below, I would say this film is hilarious if you don't mistakenly take it too seriously.

Hmm, no, he is a bad director.

Hmm, no, he is a bad director.

I love Not Available.  You're welcome.

I love Not Available.  You're welcome.



…and that "something" would be my bright, red scrotum.

…and that "something" would be my bright, red scrotum.

I honestly love every Fugazi album.  The Argument may be my favorite but End Hits is certainly great too.

I honestly love every Fugazi album.  The Argument may be my favorite but End Hits is certainly great too.

What?!  The Circle Jerks are in New York?!!  Oh, the Critics Circle, never mind.

What?!  The Circle Jerks are in New York?!!  Oh, the Critics Circle, never mind.

Did Henry Rollins grow out his hair and put on a tie?