Honestly, if those are photoshopped images then whatever intern that did them should be hired on full time with benefits. None of that probationary period crap.
Honestly, if those are photoshopped images then whatever intern that did them should be hired on full time with benefits. None of that probationary period crap.
That reminds me! Back when I was in junior high, my school sold these Pizza "Stix" during lunch: https://www.nestleprofessio…
Now in video form! https://www.youtube.com/wat…
That's kind of subjective, eh? Not all sandwiches are created equal, same goes with burritos. This is a comparison I just can't abide by! However, here are my ideals for both (though even that tends to fluctuate at times):
Okay, then.
You know what I won't miss because of the show's cancellation? The incredibly wrongheaded reviews.
I saw it, it was nice enough but skirted the edges of being overly twee in my book.
Dang it, I always forget that.
I stopped watching the show after the Josh Groban episode not because I don't have the time but I just don't give a shit for it. The entire concept is a snoozefest for me. Nothing about the reboot (relaunch? retool? rere?) resonates.
What's on Tonight in the morning for about 30 minutes before going to work for Palmer*
Talk about a gathering of the Juggalos.
Unfortunately there are no IKEAs in the county I live in now, so the search is a bit more difficult.
Well, wait until you get to season seven.
Government officials are the most pedantic, nitpicky sons of bitches I have ever encountered…also the whitest and oldest group of people I will ever meet outside of visiting an Arizona retirement community.
Portage Professional Reporter's Notebook
You do know that you'll now have to do Random Roles with everyone involved in "Transylvania 6-5000," right? You've set a precedent!
It's an easy, breezy show that's fun to watch while eating dinner unlike "Minority Report" which makes it a chore.
One day, the Quebec Bloc will get its day in the sun.
They have crazy witch eyes.