I don't know where else to put this and I haven't seen a Newswire on it but: Venture Bros. Season 6 premiere date: Feb. 7, 2016. IT'S REAL!
I don't know where else to put this and I haven't seen a Newswire on it but: Venture Bros. Season 6 premiere date: Feb. 7, 2016. IT'S REAL!
You know, this show didn't settle the question on whether or not licking a unicorn's neck would result in tasting your favorite flavor.
It helps that The Colbert Report was a lean and mean 20ish minutes, now him and his staff will have to deal with doing things for twice as long. Although I guess having a second guest and a musical act will help fill for time.
I've just been standing still all this time like Lobot, waiting to make my move.
WILKINS! I need reviews! Reviews of Spiiiiiiiiiiiiiitheeeeee newest episode of Gravity Falls! With a speculative stray observation entry dedicated to Machiavallian machinations of that dream trawling menace BILL CIPHER!
Now there was a show with a good theme song: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
How about that new episode of Gravity Falls?
Chloe Bennet's character is Daisy In Name Only, damn it. She's a DINO!
My pick of the week: grapes—specifically the green kind. For the longest time I've been a big purple/black grape eater but late I have been leaning more towards the green stuff. While the former is sweeter, the latter is firmer and has a nice snap when you bit down. And since they're firmer, you don't really get…
I hope he plays it similar to how he was on Justified as Robert Quarles.
Wow, Internet, that's actually a pretty great job. Of course I'm a sucker for logos and their evolution—especially when Saul Bass is involved. The logos he designed for Warner Bros. and the Girl Scouts are my favorites. And heck, you can even eat the latter!
I have click to play on for Chrome but made some exceptions, I did not expect this kind of betrayal to happen! But I should've…I SHOULD HAVE.
The Internet is a feckless thug.
Because of this game Midge Ure's cover of "The Man Who Sold the World" has been my jam all day long. I really dig the synths. There needs to be some kind of mixtape featuring all the different songs Kojima has used.
Wait, what has been theorized? There's a less dumb theory than the actual explanation!? Surely you jest!
Fuck you autoplaying video, that's some bullshit.
Yeah, okay, that's cool and all but when are they going to announce the casting for Stilt-Man and/or Lady Stilt-Man?
Man, Radcliffe is rocking facial hair that almost rivals that of Leopold Leopoldovich.
Goddamn is this show on point with it's music and sound. It still surprises me that USA Network put as much as they have into it instead of making it another schlocky "characters welcome" drama.
The commercials for that are unbelievable, it just seems to hackneyed to be real—like some satire Dan Harmon made for a tag on Community.