
More Asians in comedy? Huzzah! Some of the clips I've seen online gives me hope that this guy has potential, he doesn't rely on some stupid racist shtick like Dat Phan. Remember Dat Phan? Course you don't, no one remembers him. No one should remember him other than as an example of what not to do as an Asian in comedy.

I expect this to show up in someone's Staff Picks the moment it becomes available.

Haven't we already had a revamping of Rugrats with All-Grown Up and the kindergarten thing? However, if Hey Arnold were to return I want that goddamn jungle movie to be made.

Maybe this is just all a bit of viral marketing for The Good Wife, has anyone considered that?

Where are the gargoyles? Why aren't there gargoyles in this adaptation!?

What if this has all been a long game to get Letterman to lower his ask? WHAT IF!?

He looks like Colin Jost and Pete Davidson had some kind of horrifying love child.

I was watching a rerun of Jeopardy! on TV and one of the categories required the contestants to give their responses in the form of a rhyme such as "sinister minister."

I myself will be disappointed that we won't see Ban Ki-Moon explaining human rights violation in Syria while Jimmy Fallon is unable to prevent himself from giggling like a schoolgirl.

Something about him gives off the vibe of being Chris Hardwick's older, more boring cousin.

One can only hope that this movie will shed light on Salinger's involvement with the quiz show scandals of the 1950s

California "street" tacos, baby!

According to the site general public sale begins this Friday at 10 a.m. PDT. Cheapest tickets are $51.25. With that kind of money I could buy about 85 tacos from my favorite place. Tacos or Presidential hopeful Kanye West's first campaign rally, it is truly a dilemma.

I'm starting to have doubts about this show.

Fun fact, Alien Ant Farm still exists. The band was headlining some po-dunk beer festival in my county not too long ago. They were billed with a tribute band called the Red Not Chili Peppers.

They best not cast Kelly Bishop or there will be hell to pay. HELL TO PAY. HELL TOUPÉE.

Oh god, oh man, oh jeez. MY EMOTIONS! That finale…I believe that's what they call a mic drop.

Some motherfucker's always trying to ice skate uphill.

She wants to BELIEVE.

Couldn't we just call it Bookman Returns? Lt. Joe Bookman returns from the dead, seemingly rejuvenated to when he was but a rookie library cop, to dispense some Dewey Decimal Justice to chronic late returners. Wait, what? You mean this isn't a stealth-Seinfeld spin-off about Bookman? Well, that's disappointing.