I don't know, there last performance wasn't as big a panty dropper that people expected: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
I don't know, there last performance wasn't as big a panty dropper that people expected: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Well, according to more privileged people than me his edit of the Star Wars prequel was watchably enjoyable. So he's a good egg in my book.
Okay, so it's not a reunited Neutral Milk Hotel. Maybe he'll get Lamar to do a cover of Holland, 1945 while wearing a fake, scruffy looking Duck Dynasty beard.
Parker Young Can't Lose! Unless it's on a critically acclaimed comedy, then he can.
Is the American TV viewing public ready for Comet the Superhorse? I'm not quite sure.
I wonder if The Nightly Show has gotten any better since it started. I tried keeping up with it for the first few weeks but after awhile I got tired of the format. Or at least I got tired of how it was handled. Wilmore isn't much of a moderator, a lot of the episodes had HORRIBLE panelists who had no business of being…
I vividly remember 5th grade sex ed where one of the guys in my class asked a teacher, my school had the teachers do it instead of bringing in outside instructors, what the purpose of a double-sided dildo was. He sat there for a few seconds before saying he would not answer that. Looking back on it now, I am kind of…
Secret shame: I once paid money to rent The Ringer from Blockbuster, got the deal where they give you a bucket of microwavable popcorn to boot. I thought fondly of that movie in high school until I realized it wasn't Christine Taylor as the female lead but Katherine Heigl then…not so much. And that's my Johnny…
I'm more of a microfilm kind of guy but microfiche is just more fun to say!
If this season doesn't end with someone calling them a pair of true detectives, we riot.
I'm actually frustrated about Amazon Prime having Veep because it's only one season! I mean, I know the only reason why is because of the terms of the deal HBO and Amazon made but I need more Veep! Sure, I've seen all the episodes before and I could obtain it from other sources but I paid for my Prime membership and I…
I'm not sure if I should keep or stop watching the show when I get around to the sixth season since I heard the series gets pretty dire. Heck, I don't know if the movies are even worth it—or at least the first one.
GASP! Okay…Okay…Okay…
Curb Your Enthusiasm has popped up on Amazon Prime so I'm currently taking a break from The X-Files—which I am at the beginning of season four of—to binge through some Larry David being Larry David.
But will we ever get Bonney Teti's reviews of the show? Maybe some asides about the US Postal Service?
Wait, did I miss the Fall return of Cancellation League? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Oddly enough, I had an all vegetarian dinner. A caprese flat bread sandwich with a side of veggies followed by a whoopee pie. It wasn't as whoopee as I wanted it to be.
Needed a muzak version of In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida.
I was looking forward to the Hannibal phone scene where he gets Will's address and I think Brian Cox edges out Mads Mikkelsen when it comes to the delivery. There's something about it that makes it so better. https://youtu.be/PuD9_Axxp1o
After entering in a bunch of papers and articles I've written in the past and getting pretty much the same result, I decided to enter in the word shit repeated 100 times and this is what it came up with: