
Well, stuff like Keeping Up with the Kardashians and the Big Bang Theory so we haven't peaked or even plateaued. No, we've been on a decline for a loooooong time. Sure, there are shows such as Hannibal, The Americans and Review but it will never be enough! NEVER!*

The 90s were a gas-leak decade for comics. Unfortunately some people didn't fully recover from that time period.

'ey, mon ami, when you mes wit the t'ieves guild you bes be prepared for 'orrible accents. No?

This sounds like a plot point of an It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia episode but I see no mention of bird law.

Oh please oh please let this also mean that Count Nefaria exists in the MCU. I just want someone on the show to say his name as if it didn't sound corny at all.

Clooney? How boring, what would be a real coup for Colbert is if he got Neutral Milk Hotel to reunite again as his first musical guest. Or at least Jeff Mangum and his Methuselah beard*.

Max Weinberg being at the end of another late night show, guy is like an albatross I tells ya!

Holy crappola, that debate really was something else. The comment from Huckabee about how the military is for breaking things and killing people is some straight up horse shit.

After having watched the first three seasons of "The X-Files," I will be content in only watching the supposed Darin Morgan scripted episode "Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster." I will be happy with the revival if it really does result in that Morgan-penned episode, break-up or not. Dude writes a great Scully.

And out of the shadows will come Craig Kilborn, ready to ask Jon Stewart a set of five questions.

So, we're not going to get a Spoiler Space for Shaun The Sheep?

Will there be a big Josie and the Pussycats number that acts as a dig against our hyperconsumerism modern world?

I don't know where to post this or if it has been posted before but the composer for Wet Hot American Summer posted a playlist featuring all of if not most of the songs featured in First Day of Camp. Check it out here: https://soundcloud.com/crai…

I don't know about becoming less silly but you certainly get used to it.

I hope to hell that this version of Deadpool will be more Joe Kelly than Daniel Way. Maybe have some Gerry Duggan and Brian Posehn with a gentle sprinkle of Rick Remender mixed in for good measure. Basically as long as the character doesn't devolve into the "huehuehue so random, chimichangas" crap that plagued Daniel

I want it to be set at a karaoke bar where a despondent Kermit drunkenly sings the song as a montage of past romantic moments flash on screen and midway through the song Miss Piggy barrels into the bar and turns it into a duet. They confess their love for each other, song still playing in the background, kiss and go

Those fantasies were told in confidence!

Someone needs to work a little editing magic and whittle this behemoth down to a lean, mean hour and thirty. What's Topher Grace doing these days?

Where's Furguson? Is this not a Winston fantasy sequence from New Girl?

Kim Gordon as a schoolteacher in a German horror film? Have the movie's producers been talking with my therapist!?