I've watched Red Dragon before awhile ago but I can't remember anything about it other than Ralph Fiennes towering over Hoffman.
I've watched Red Dragon before awhile ago but I can't remember anything about it other than Ralph Fiennes towering over Hoffman.
In the hopes of reading things correctly I'm dropping Empire like it's hot. Knowing what I know now, I was a fool! A damned fool!
I got around to watching "Manhunter," something I've been meaning to do since I got my hands on a copy in mid-January (although it's also on Netflix in the US, albeit at a different aspect ratio). And my god it was fantastic. What little Brian Cox had to do as Hannibal was great, Tom Noonan was a beast as Dolarhyde,…
Pushing things out virally? You know, I'm pretty sure there's a vaccine for that.
April O’Neil as Rocket Rachooch? This better not awaken anything in me.
Good for him I guess? I'm only familiar with Pardo when he was the warm-up act for the Conan audience. He told the same jokes each time I went so I'm not sure how his actual act is. Hopefully different because some of the stuff he said were kind of hackneyed.
Will we get the inevitable Mad Max/Babe team-up out of these movies?
I hope they have an end game planned out because the show stopped being interesting once he become President. Ideally the fourth should be the last since it's being running out of steam of FAST. If all else fails I can just watch the first 3 1/2 seasons of the West Wing to cleanse the schlockiness of HoC from my mind.
So wait, is this just going to be a voice acting job for him or will wigs be involved? Why have you folks not done the due diligence this story deserves when it comes to wig knowledge!?
Is this not an April Fool's post? Huh, well I'll be a cotton headed ninny muggins.
Was this how people felt when The Critic crossed over with The Simpsons? When The Simpsons crossed over with Family Guy? Because fuck everything about this cross over.
If the sequel will have the cinematic appearance of a certain ladder, I may just have to watch it.
This is going to a beautiful mess of a show. And still they have not yet announced what it will be called!
And I continue to kick myself for having this as one of my Cancellation League picks.
When it comes to all-day breakfast, my heart and its clogged arteries will forever belong to Jack in the Box. Who, I might add, has been doing all-day breakfast since time immemorial!
What about W*A*L*T*E*R?
Where's the sunshine? The scenes of traffic? Randy Newman!? How will viewers know this is set in Los Angeles without all these things!?
Somewhere Mo Rocca quietly weeps to himself as he drinks his morning coffee out of an Animal Planet branded mug.
You got the wrong Castro. Although now that I think of it, I need a Fidel Castro/Alicia Florrick team-up episode. It's a story that must be told.