Oh thank god you guys were able to get him for a Random Roles, I mean not to be morbid or anything but the man is 87. He's 87 and a GODDAMN NATIONAL TREASURE. DO YOU HEAR THAT AMERICA?! HE'S A NATIONAL TREASURE!
Oh thank god you guys were able to get him for a Random Roles, I mean not to be morbid or anything but the man is 87. He's 87 and a GODDAMN NATIONAL TREASURE. DO YOU HEAR THAT AMERICA?! HE'S A NATIONAL TREASURE!
Wait, is this not a news item from The Onion proper?
Well, I'm partial to this song: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
That's like asking why NBC had all those different Law & Orders on the air once upon a time.
You could have had a Billy Murray two-fer with references if you mentioned busting of said ghosts! Although I guess that would have been too obvious.
The editors must be crazy
I can't wait for the crossover with This Old House.
I'm still holding out hope for a Dinosaur reboot with Sam Rockwell and John Goodman.
Yes! EUROTRASH QUICKSILVER! All is right with the world.
Who will be the Russian Malcolm Tucker, who!? Who!? WHOOOOOO!?
Oi! This show's become a regular Law & Order: UK, it 'as! With the laws and the orders and the silly wigs! Well it's a right flopp-Look, I have no idea why I tried writing in a horrible cockney accent. It just came out like that and I regret it.
Well shit, I am very conflicted but this. On one hand, maybe they'll turn things around after that disastrous second season. On the other, that disastrous second season.
No actual pimping of butterflies were involved in the making of this audio record.
This album will be the lowest of fi!
Huh, for some reason I always thought they were called the Red Tide.
I am hoping to the hoary hosts of Hoggoth that the comics will not retcon Daisy Johnson's background to add the whole Skye/Red Rising Tide back story from the show. I get wanting to have characters in the comics be more like the show/movies but Daisy Johnson doesn't need any of that Agents of SHIELD malarkey bringing…
This show, I like it a lot! I NEED MORE! The Veronica Mars DNA is very much strong in this show.
They did it all for the [Insert related word to this story that rhymes with nookie here].