The show's theme song is one of the few where I haven't yet gotten sick of after binge watching. Granted there's only 13 episodes available but, damn it, the song is so damn catchy.
The show's theme song is one of the few where I haven't yet gotten sick of after binge watching. Granted there's only 13 episodes available but, damn it, the song is so damn catchy.
Ghost Will Haunting
I haven't watched the show since the end of season three. I just want to know if Mandy Patinkin is still on the show and if he still has that awesome facial hair! I MUST KNOW!
They should have sent a poet…
If there was ever a role that warranted the return of mustachioed Bradley Whitford, this might have been it. Maybe have him throw on a pair of aviators and give his character a hard to place Texas-esque drawl. But alas, it was not meant to be.
I am disturbed by the lack of Diane Chain Count in these last few episode reviews*.
*I have not yet seen the episode so I don't know if Diane appears at all or not so the DCC may be unnecessary in this case.
Job security is assured when you're on the endangered species list.
Well, that was a somewhat cromulent episode I guess. Although I wasn't feeling Nathan Fielder's voice acting. It's not Elon Musk terrible but it was still pretty meh.
Ugh, I'm looking at the pilot descriptions and they just sound so dire. CBS, ABC and NBC have some especially horrible sounding dreck.
Technically there is. At least when using the Netflix App on a console or a streaming box/stick. After a couple of episodes it'll just skip the credits. Don't know why it doesn't do that with the web client.
Much like Better Call Saul is to Breaking Bad, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is like methadone for 30 Rock. It gives me that sweet sweet feeling without the chemical dependency.
They were thinking sexy baby.
You know, that's not a bad costume at all. Sure, I miss the yellow backing on the S-Shield but it's fine. It certainly looks great and it's pretty close to how the costume looks (or at least looked before the reboot) in the comics, minus midriff.
Has Rashida Jones learned nothing from A to Z?! NOTHING!?
It's their version of sending the dog to a loving family with a farm. In this case the family and the farm really do exist. However, in the case of Mulaney it's the other version. The one where dying in squalor and unloved is the endgame.
Is this not a spin-off of Arrow starring David Ramsey?
Intimate, introspective Aziz Ansari is the best kind of Aziz Ansari. Bombastic, TREAT YO' SELF! Aziz Ansari is also the best kind of Aziz Ansari. What I'm saying is I like Aziz Ansari…
I'm sorry, I thought this was the A.V. Club and not The Onion. I keep checking and I know it's the A.V. Club but…geez…wow.
So who is even left at The Daily Show? Is Al Madrigal still there? What about Mo Rocca?
I guess it was a fine episode but it needed a lot more Firestorm.