
I went to a special screening of this special at the Warner Bros. lot and I have to say that I really liked it. Of course my enjoyment for it was probably influenced by the fact that I was in an audience and Conan was standing about four yards away. Guy is like a tall, pale ghost.

This seems like the kind of show that they'd have Van Der Beek be in on Bitch-23. After the failure of his Dancing with the Stars stint and jean line, the Beek must redeem himself by taking a role in a police procedural! A seemingly stable choice that, while it won't give him prestige, WILL give him money to pay off

Well, Saturday Night Live has been adapted for other countries. I've seen stuff from the Korean and Quebecois versions. And at least if Wikipedia is anything to go by Germany, Spain, Japan and Israel have made their own versions as well. So I guess this is sort of middle-sized news?

Musical theater? Boy, I don't know.

Ah, but which Meloni will we get with this series? Catholic rage or humping the fridge?

One can hope we'll see more of Dreama Walker one day.

No one has cared about Toledo, Ohio since the end of M*A*S*H.

So when are we going to get the Law and Order SVU episode where they take on Sex Box? I really want to know Detective Fin Tutuola's befuddled take on it.

Being a cop in the groovy 1970s a la Life on Mars doesn't sound too bad for an afterlife, or purgatory I guess. Although being a cop in the digital 1980s a la Ashes to Ashes miiiiiight be a little worse. Less Bowie and more Adam Ant. I shudder at the thought.

The show better damn have snappy jazz music for the intro.

It's like that scene in 30 Rock where Liz pretended to be two characters to Kenneth. One of them just happens to have recently left when the other arrived and vice versa!

What a time to be alive. Soon we may have a TV show where the main characters have glowing penises and vaginas! Where the villain is called Kegelface! Where hopefully they will some how integrate the sex tips featured in the letters column!

Season three will be the case of who stole DI Alec Hardy's electric razor. Season four will be an Earth One and Two kind of deal where the Broadchurch and Gracepoint universes collide as both teams race to find out who murdered Solano Lattimer of Earth Five.

What is your favorite breakfast food item and why is it waffles?

Goddamnit, it can't end. It's been a wonderful time but what the hell am I going to do now!? Netflix past seasons ad nauseam until I cry myself to sleep? I just thought there would be more!

They didn't even do the honor of giving Muncie to Lagajeterry! He has a time-share there!

Why must CBS keep her away from staying on The Americans for the long haul!?

Awww yeeeaaaah, serialized storytelling. Executives who think serialization is pointless are fools. Fools! Narratives are a good thing!

As an ardent Person of Interest fan AND a Parks and Recreation fan it was no contest as to which show should be the top pick. Now it would be a whole different story if there was a new episode of The Flash this week. I mean, the series has a telepathic gorilla! That's gold! GOLD!

Am I in the minority opinion in thinking that Scott Snyder's Batman was better before the reboot when it was Dick Grayson under the cowl?