
I feel Ron's pain, realizing that your longtime barber is gone is some serious business. Sure, mine just retired, but it still stings! Years spent going to the same shop, getting hair cut from the same guy, the same chair and reading…the same magazines! And then in an instant it's all gone? Pure agony. The process of

But…the search for Bucky! Does this lead into the possibility of Buck-Cap gracing the silver screen in the future!? GODDAMN IT, MARK MILLAR! WHY MUST YOUR HACK WORK CONTINUE TO BE ADAPTED INTO MOVIES!?

God, bringing back the Californians was obnoxious. First of all, the 73 doesn't connect to the 405 in Fountain Valley it connects in COSTA MESA! Second! The 73 is a toll road! It's unnecessary to take the 73 from the 5 to the 405. Sure, it's shorter but you can just stay on the 5 until it connects to the 405 in

As a 24-year-old…what the fuck have I done with my life?

The Simpsons' "Brick Like Me" over Bob's Burgers' "Work Hard or Die Trying, Girl*?" For shame Writers Guild of America, for shame.

I went to go see my first play in years. It was a modernish-retro telling of Tristan and Yseult put on by a British theater company called Kneehigh. I loved every second of it, before the show started they had live music from the company's band playing such lovely hits as "Love Hurts" (More in line with the Everly

The true evil behind everything is Forbush Man.

Joe Kelly is the obvious top pick, Fabian Nicieza also did a good job, Rick Remender's work with the character on the X-Force title was good and I'm liking the current run of Gerry Duggan and Brian Posehn.

grounded, contemporary multicultural and sometimes magical milieu

I hope to high heaven the movie isn't going to use Daniel Way's work as its main inspiration. That stuff was just hot garbage.

Something something been starting independent states before being paid to do it.

Red Velvet Oreos seem like a giant scam. You only get half the amount as a regular package of Oreos but you still pay the same amount as if it was the full one! It's not right, damn it! I thought getting fat and horribly unhealthy was suppose to be cheap!

I literally, I have no strong feelings about this show. Way to be, show!

One day, someone will hallucinate a very angry Salmon Ladder.

So in this case, who is the Flash and who is Professor Zoom? Can't Kanye just be both? He has already become the impossible!

Well, they could always finish off the DCAU and start doing Superman: TAS reviews.

That's good and all but Sony still has final say on the story for any new Spider-Man movie, so we still might get a steaming pile of crap, maybe not as steamy but it's not going to smell like roses either…I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore.

I've been listening to bits and pieces of his music and I'm enjoying it so far. My favorite has got to be Chateau Lobby, I'm in that honeymoon phase of listening to a song endlessly on repeat and not getting sick of it.

Yes, more episodes like this please. This episode has the kind of gravitas that has been missing from the series.

HERE WE G-…wait, a countdown? To April Fools' Day? What a bunch of Kerkobitches.