
DIAF? Die in a fire? Also baked salmon? That's crazy talk, you crazy. I have horrible memories of my mom making baked salmon. Horrible memories.

What you caught can be taken as the distilled essence of the entire season so far.

I'll stop that bashing when she no longer deserves it! Which is never! NEVER! NEEEEVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!

Yeah, when Courtney said that bit about how winning would change her life, family, etc. it seemed like she was about to let out a well placed sob before the editing cut her off. I wonder if she was coached or not to make it more emotional.


MasterChef USA

I had a friend who chided me about my irrational hatred towards some of the contestants on MasterChef Junior, tell me "they're just kids." But oh, I know the truth. I KNOW THE TRUTH.

While I appreciate the fact that the show takes more care in the cooking aspect of things, it's just too many episodes to wade through! Six nights a week for a reality show seems unthinkable to me! It's madness!

MasterChef USA (Fox, 8 p.m.): The top 13 compete as they attempt to filet their own salmon. Most assuredly there will be blood. Take a shot of something strong every time the judges agonize over the contestants' butchery of such beautiful, pristine salmon from the Walmart Lake Minnetonka industrial fish hatchery*.

Tina romancing a ghost!? But what happened to the zombies!? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE ZOMBIES?!

No no no no no no no. You use the embryos to play beer PONG, not use them in a beer bong.

That doesn't seem like it would appeal to the common man, doesn't speak to the life of the mind.

Hickman has been doing most of the Avengers stuff including the Original Sin tie-in. The only team books Bendis is working on right now is a few X-Men titles and Guardians of the Galaxy.

He's getting better at it, not by much but there is SOME improvement with his Bendis-speak. I think he's still bad at writing team books, though. Everyone in those team books he writes have the same damn voice for crying out loud!

It doesn't take much to better than Scott Lobdell, hopefully Johns can keep his literalism in check. But holy cow, the last page of that preview, that's just a torrent of text-diarrhea approaching Claremont-levels!

So Andie MacDowell is playing a judge but is she playing a bad judge?

ABC World News preempted this game on my local station so I wasn't able to see it, looks like I didn't miss much. Although it didn't preempt Wheel of Fortune, which I find hard to get into. It's like hangman but with a giant wheel!

I hope the suit will look something like that sketch current Daredevil artist Chris Samnee did of what the live-action cowl would look like: http://i.imgur.com/CcImgpT.jpg