
In a perfect world it would have been BRIAN BLESSED. In a perfect universe, BRIAN BLESSED would voice every animated character.

And instead of being stuck in an insufferable plane it'll be the insufferable…NAUTILUS!

While we're at it, I don't like Stryfe at all!

Gail Simone's current run on Red Sonja actually highlights the ridiculousness of the chainmail bikini.

Willie has that gracious, Southern hospitality thing going for him. The man is all positive, I haven't seen any real negativity from him so far.

I have faith in Aaron but I'm a bit cold on the costume, it has a couple of things going for it but it seems a bit busy to me. Who knows, I might warm up to the design eventually.

In this new iteration Ivan Ooze will be a sex fiend that has the people of Angel Grove under his thrall. You don't even want to know what the purple stuff he's secreting really is.

Well if they REALLY cared about what's on the plate, I think that donut challenge would have gone differently. But that's just me.

$79.90 for a cake! OUTRAGEOUS!

I'll have you know I am standing sir! I can see why Leslie would be a favorite of people. I don't agree with it, but I can see it. Fun fact, apparently he is Melissa Joan Hart's step-father.

There are laws in place, sure, but I'm pretty certain Fox can somehow skate around it in an extralegal sort of way.

MasterChef USA

If this actually happens, I might be inclined to give Yahoo the slow motion salute.

There's also a major defect where it keeps climbing through your window.

Better than 95 percent? That's a bold claim. BOLD!

I'd say start with Broadchurch before Hannibal since there are less episodes to wade through. And going further than the first season or two of BSG might make you regret ever watching it in the first place. I know it did for me.

It's anarchy in the post-VanDerWerff AV Club! Anarchy I tell you!

MasterChef USA (Fox, 8 p.m.): The show soldiers on as the top 14 compete in a team challenge that takes them to a diner. Get ready to dig a notch into the side of your table to count how many times producers cut to a shot of Courtney's feet as she scampers around making hamburgers. Probably in violation of health and