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MasterChef Canada One-Shot Write-Up

Just do a Robin Sparkles spin-off that charts her rise and fall where the season finale is a flash forward to the future of the HIMYM one where she realizes she made a huuuuuuge mistake and the second season will just be about her trying to get away from this creepy guy who has been obsessed with her for over twenty

Ah, I was much like you once. I worshiped at the alter of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. My idol? The three cheese version with shell pasta. But I saw the error of my ways, saw the light. I am a convert to the ways of Annie's Homegrown Macaroni and Cheese. And truly it is magnificent.

He's truly living the MasterChef dream if you think about it. I'm on the third episode now, since I skipped most of the audition stuff in the previous two, and this show has given me the product placement that's been absent from this season of MasterChef USA. Although instead of Walmart, these Canadians seem to go

I have been alerted to the existence of MasterChef Canada and, as expected, it's very much similar to the USA version. Down to the set, music, the way it's shot and they even have the same voice over guy. But they have something that the USA doesn't. An angry Asian judge that seems to channel both Gordon Ramsay's fury

Sara Tess was kind of DOA, wasn't she? But god bless her, she pressed that clicker with gusto.

OR! The Cosmic Salmon Ladder! Oliver Queen will have to climb it like he's never climbed it before in order to breakdown the dimensional barriers and spread the gospel of the ladder to the multiverse! This will lead into a multiple-episode arc: CRISIS ON INFINITE SALMON LADDERS! With an Anti-Salmon Ladder (a

The Flash has rarely, if ever, been a dark and broody character. So the pilot as the right tone and doesn't really have shades of Smallville to it. Although my main gripe with the pilot is science dude and science woman, I don't really care for them. I mean, who gives a fuck about Vibe?

What I want to know is if The Flash series will have their version of the salmon ladder. The salmon treadmill?

There would most definitely be weed and boner jokes but as for the other stuff? Doubt it.

It's a damn mystery. I'm guessing PDN just didn't feel like covering it anymore and no one else wanted to either.

That's what I loved about MasterChef junior. Every episode was double elimination so it cut a lot of the fat that has plagued regular MC.


I get that being a bastard is his shtick but sometimes it can be a bit too much. Like that one time an episode or two back when he decides to send Francis B. to the pressure test because he had the gall to assume control from Leslie and attempted to save the red team from going to hell in the team challenge.

Daniel and Willie did well, but not enough for the big guy to have a come back. Although I am intrigued at the concept of buttermilk miso fried chicken. It sounds like something that would be incredibly tasty.

Like most people from around my area, Southern California is only really made up of the counties Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Orange and parts of San Diego. Everyone else can suck it, especially people from the IE, how I hate them.

Nope, Southern California. I like to think that Buddhist temples making bomb-ass vegetarian food is a universal constant.


But how much of that money is going to go towards potato salad? Do they even have a potato salad budget?