
And so begins another war on Tumblr when it comes to John Green as various users clash on whether he's hackneyed or a YA phenom. And some other stuff. Some DARKER stuff.

Oh, he'll hang dong alright. He'll hang dong HARD.

Reading it can't do it justice:

Well, now, that's bad. Very bad.

When I used to watch Crash Course in college I was in the same boat as you. I was kind of ignorant of the fact that he was an author. I mean, I was sort of aware he wrote some stuff, I just didn't know how popular he was.

Can I just say that internet slang category was ridiculous. I would say the examples they used were fake but people actually got them! Who are the people that make these ridiculous slangs!?

He won't stop until we know complete despair.

What few tumblrs I follow seem to have an unbridled hatred for the Greens because of this and other reasons. I don't know the full extent of the story with Alex Day but it sounds…bad?

But then, where's the drama in that?

More Elise might mean more failed pie attempts, I don't think I can take another one. I just can't! And I just LOVED the way Francis L. glided behind the others and telling them to not help the competition. Made me think about that British (I know he's Scottish) villain car commercial.

Hannibal gave you a rare gift, but you didn't want it.

"Fool me once, shame on…shame on you. Fool me…you can't get fooled again!"

This show could use more Willie.

It's closer to a trilby than a fedora…kind of sad that I know that. I'm going to walk into the ocean now.

MasterChef USA


Also coming up this Monday night is a new episode of MasterChef USA that has something I've been looking forward to all week: a screaming match between young and precious Ahran and self-entitled prick Leslie. I am hoping it lives up to the hype in my head.

There's something about the Twilight series that makes what little good cast and crew members there are into talentless hacks who wouldn't even make it in a Roger Corman movie.