
HOLY GUACAMOLE! What a game five of the Stanley Cup! I didn't have a dog in the fight but I was on the edge of my seat with that double overtime. The Kings win the cup but it was depressing when I saw how Lundqvist (Rangers goalie) was just incredibly broken up over the outcome. He played a great game and he has

I don't know what you're referencing, but it makes me want to see a version of The Cape starring Ringo.

My college had it's own Quidditch team, they typically practiced right outside of the main campus library. I always thought they looked so damn silly skipping around while holding brooms between their legs, but they were always smiling and laughing. How I hated their happiness.

Has anyone ever been disappointed by an O'Neal article? It can't be done!

Los Angeles is really overdue for a good riot. Why, the last riot I remember happening in Southern California was at the US Open of Surfing in Huntington Beach and that was perpetrated by a bunch of punkasss 909ers.

We head back to Los Angeles (and NBC proper) for Game Five of the Stanley Cup! Kings are 3-1 in the series against the Rangers! Who will stand? Who will fall? My guess is that the Kings will win it because how grand would it be if they won in Los Angeles (and how much hell would be unleashed on the streets of LA)?

Damn, that was hot.

A-? I would give this episode a solid A. Allegedly this episode also had its own version of the opening credits but, for whatever reason, it didn't air with Food Chain.

Yo, Kazaam was the bomb.

Snyder and Goyer are going to mishandle Wonder Woman in a way that would make David E. Kelley green with envy.

If this has any ounce of truth to it, it's cute that Warner Bros. thinks that they're going to make a Wonder Woman movie. It's probably going to get delayed and reshuffled until kingdom come (not to be confused with the comic book Kingdom Come). Just you wait, I'm going to have my TOLDJA on stand-by.

My chances of having a heart attack during a sudden death overtime match is increased by 100 percent. Overtime with games like Baseball and Basketball where it's not sudden death? Meh.

Well, their games are popular. Oh wait, without calling them word not approved by the AV Club commenting system. You got me beat.

Maaaaaaaaaaaybe, although I guess it makes sense. I don't know, man, I don't know.

I think FIFA would make even Mr. Burns blush.

Is that for real? Because if it is, that's really shitty.

Final Jeopardy was kind of whack. I don't get why people still wager something when they don't know/have the answer. What is there to gain by doing that?

That is one sexy looking trailer. I just have to believe they learned their lesson from Book 2 and, to a lesser extent, Book 1. No more BS relationship drama that comes off as character regression, I want action! Sensical romance! Political intrigue! The Dai Li messing shit up!