
This is what, the second time the NBA Finals get the topic pick while the Stanley Cup continues to get the What Else Is On? There is a conspiracy going on perpetrated by the basketball industrial complex. Y'all need some hockey in your lives.

For a minute I thought this was a remake of the Joe Schmo show with a big schlubby guy. This isn't any better.

I've only tried Miracle Whip once, never again. NEVER AGAIN.

You have finally joined us in the sun, welcome.

You know who's a bigger motherfucker? Arnold's goddamn cousin Janet. Little shit from another class barging in on Ms. Frizzle's field trips and constantly undermining everyone? Being a little bitch must run in the goddamn family.

Mustard on a grilled cheese sandwich? That's sick man, sick. It's not a Reuben sandwich! It's madness I tells you! And speaking of grilled cheese, Alton Brown has an interesting recipe on his YouTube channel.

Once again, like the game before it, NBC refuses to air this very important game of the Stanley Cup finals on network which is just some absolute bullshit. ABC is giving the damn NBA finals it's due why the fuck can't NBC show the NHL that same courtesy? Are they afraid about pre-empting the local news on the West

The Edge has really fallen from grace, hasn't he?

Everyone looked so damn silly in those helmets.

Psssh, wake me when they cast LADY Stilt-Man.

But he is Thor! This is non-canonical! NON-CANONICAL!

I thought Disney learned it's lesson to stop making shitty sequels to beloved classics? Who am I fucking kidding, they won't pass on the opportunity to potentially make bank.

Speaking of new things, Comedy Central has renewed Review for another season. Huzzah! Also I guess it's great that there's a new New Pornographers record coming out.

I only saw the first half of the game but I thought it was just incredibly boring. The contestants didn't really have any energy to them. It was all very lackadaisical.

Thoughts on MasterChef

It's obvious he'll be Hans. He's basically Hans in the Spy Kids series.

Martin Sheen as Gordon Bombay? Next you're going to tell me that Emilio Estevez is going to play Jed Bartlett! I know he kind of sort of did but that didn't count. Instead of a sequel to the movie, how about we make a sequel to that bitchin' cartoon from the 90s? The world needs Wildwing Flashblade!

The show gave me an existential crisis every episode and it was fantastic. I'm always left with awe at the end until that damn Fuzzy Door Productions logo pops up.

Well, I wouldn't call the Batman theme finger-snapping. I kid of course. The wagering strategy in the last few Jeopardy games have been pretty whack. I wonder if it's because contestants might be focusing more on getting as much facts crammed in as possible rather than figuring when to go big on DJ and FJ. I mean,

Yo, can we talk about that double overtime in game two of the Stanley Cup finals? I don't have a dog in the fight but hot damn was it some pulse pounding stuff. You can't get that kind of action from the NBA.