
Kings take Game 7 against the Blackhawks to go on to the Stanley Cup Finals. I don't like either team but I guess I'll take the hometownish team over a place that calls a casserole pizza*.

Not Paul Rude?

Les done fucked up now.

I'm probably going to wait until all these episodes are burned off so that I can watch the series in the proper order. It's maddening how networks like to air episodes out of order with shows like Happy Endings, Bitch 23, Enlisted and Almost Human. It's like they don't give a damn about basic plot continuity.

Oh just give it to some bland, generic comedy director and be done with it. That's what Marvel wanted this whole time. Sure, they flirted with the idea of going against the "house style" with James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy and hiring Edgar Wright but they're kind of being a bunch of chicken shits about right

It seems to me that the AV Club (or at least Erik Adams whenever he writes What's On Tonight) is actively ignoring Penny Dreadful despite covering it. It's a conspiracy I tell you! A CONSPIRACY!

Having Veep being the only show slotted under the regular coverage section seems like kind of an insult, right? Why not just have it an also noted!? Why do you have to play us like that AV Club? I demand a congressional hearing on the AV Clubs What's On Tonight practices and what they could have done to prevent future

Man oh man, this game had me worried all throughout. It looked to me that whole match-up was made in an effort to take down Julia what with some of the categories seemingly tailored to her opponents. It was some crazy stuff.

Alas, Internet Eating Sensation Dave Chang had shed his digital coil. There was the Chicken in the Can! The Giant Toblerone! Truly it was the Golden Age.

That was one of the reasons why, I plan on rereading it after I tackle a bunch of other books I've had on the back burner including Chabon's Telegraph Avenue. Having lived in Berkeley for a few years I look forward to how faithful he is to all the gutter punks and weed salesmen that inhabit Telegraph.

Hey now, it was cheap and easy for me to do on a poor college student's almost non-existent budget.

It's that Parker Luck, I tells ya.

Is Gravity Falls back? Man, Disney (and children's networks as a whole) need to get their heads out of their collective asses when it comes to their shitty scheduling practices. There can't possibly be a good reason as to why it's so ass-backwards.

I know of friends who couldn't get really get past the first episode or so of the show because they were incredibly turned off by the misogyny and bigotry. I've never seen Mad Men (don't really have the drive to marathon yet another show) so I can't tell whether they were justified or not in their dislike of the show.

Someone should chart how the Fieri Beast came into being. Did he have a life before becoming the beast that we knew today? Did he aspire to have frosted tips, own horrendous shirts and wearing sunglasses from the back of his neck? Or did he emerge from a primordial goop of donkey sauce fully grown, like those uruk-hai

Inside Amy Schumer, well, Amy Schumer in general. I like that certain brand of comedy, just not from her. It baffles me as to why people find her funny.

Freeman's SEO game can't be beat.

But will he sing a song about the food pyramid?

So can we talk about the Blackhawks/Kings game with the double overtime? I mean, HOT DAMN. That was some heart pounding, nail biting shit. The NHL playoffs just does something for me that the NBA is incapable doing. But alas, broadcast networks don't really give hockey its due and just shove it off to cableland for

The M&Ms seem to be having an existential crisis. Pleading to their chocolate god, "WHY?! WHY MUST WE EXIST!? TO SERVE MAN!? TO BE SERVED TO MAN!? DAMN YOU! DAMN EVERYTHING! DAMN MY CANDY COATED SHELL!"