
I'd at least CONSIDER punching him in the face and make an half-hearted attempt at a fist. But not a raised fist. I can't go up against that Kroll money.

Well, there was that one time she was a stock photo model.


Wolf Blitzer's performance was both sad and hilarious. Andy Richter just dominated him and Dana Dalaney.

Dead week, oh god, I thought I left all that behind in college. I WON'T GO BACK. I WON'T GO BACK.

Here's an old Late Night segment about Andy preparing for an earlier appearance on Jeopardy.

The guy who played Young Neil would have made a better Scott Pilgrim.

I'm listening to the album right now and, gee whiz, Sharon Van Etten is just swell. She's just swell. I am really liking what I've heard so far and there is no doubt that this album will just be a hoot and a half. My only issue is that I'm listening to it on Spotify and if I have to hear that damn O'Reilly Auto Parts

The Breakfast Show? Google tells me its some BBC Radio thing, so the reference is lost on me.

The newest season of MasterChef premiered last night and thankfully they abandoned the audition episodes. I always thought they were some of the most tedious parts of the show and was glad to see it gone. Unfortunately the show still does have the trappings of reality television with this whole forced tension bullshit

I don't know about that, it's has a certain tone that doesn't really fit right with NBC. I'm not sure how to describe it. It's in the same on how I can't imagine a show like Parks and Rec or Community can be on any other network besides NBC, outside of syndication stuff of course.

The show should have been given the respect it deserved from Fox. But it's a tall order coming from that damn network. DAMN THEM AND THEIR DAMN SCHEDULING PRACTICES.

I don't get the appeal of Wil Wheaton. I mean, I wasn't raised on TNG so I don't have the baggage that comes with hating the character of Wesley but I just don't get it. I've seen him in some other stuff and can't get over how smug he always seem to look.

You know, they were so damn genial to each other. And the judges had to rein in on their asshole behavior! We had Gordon Ramsay be like he is for his British shows instead of the asshole Fox version! It was fantastic.

I think of the second season of MasterChef Junior, the producers have cast the net wider this time around and looked for kids from a variety of backgrounds rather than from the affluent areas of America like season one. I could be wrong though, I can't remember where I heard it from.

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Man, I would be soooooo happy if they really are skipping those godawful audition episodes. No doubt we'll still get some character's sob story but at least it will be in the competition proper. Also, if only this was Masterchef Junior. That shit is my jam. I didn't not like Alexander at all during the competition

Man, I wish I could teach a foreign bridge German.

A History Channel program focusing on Hitler? So it's true? The dream of the 90s IS alive?!