
Seventeen supercomputers and not one of them can deliver the mail.

There are dozens of us, DOZENS!

Counselors will be on standby.

Yeah…lookalike…lets go with that and not some crazy theory that he stole the identity of a child that died at a young age and tried to go on Jeopardy again without anyone noticing by wearing false eyebrows.

Including Marvel's Avengers Assemble in a What's On Tonight? Really scraping the bottom there. Because let me tell you something, that show is all kinds of bullshit. The first 1.5 seasons of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes was some great stuff.Sure, the design and animation left something to be desired and the

So who is going to be Cathy to Hannibal's Jim?

Yo! Shut everything down, this is clearly the winner for the Tournament of Episodes. Huh? It's not the episode of Hannibal in contention? WELL WHO THE HELL MADE THAT DECISION!?

He's like the Jimmy Fallon of basic cable!

Fargo or Person of Interest?! That's like Sophie's Choice but, you know, minus the Nazis and having to choose which kid lives or dies.

Turn in your badge and service weapon, get out of my sight. You sicken me.

Boy, I hope we get the secret origins of Lobot (seriously, Lobot is the shit) and how he was the true leader of the Rebel Alliance.

I'm hoping Howe or someone else as good as him will do a follow up book on DC. I'm interested in reading about the clusterfuck the company has been in for the past six or so years and what it was like behind the scenes.

Well, Hamilton would probably be the crowd favorite. But I liked Lena Headey's version on The Sarah Connor Chronicles, may it rest in peace. As for Clarke, we don't know what her interpretation will be like so that's up in the air.

I'm a damned fool is how.

Someone needs to organize a team made up of Linda Hamilton, Lena Headey and Emilia Clarke. One Sarah Connor is not enough to combat this menace.

I've been reading Marvel: The Untold Story by Sean Howe and by howdy have it really put my faith in Marvel and the comic book industry at large in question. Lee really comes off as being some kind of deluded asshole hypeman. Jack Kirby was not off-base when basing the Funky Flashman after Lee.

It was more like the implication of them kissing than an actual kiss.

Goyer is a shitty writer but he does have a way with expletives and the like. It's not necessarily a good way, just that he has a way with them.

Yeah, the musical choice really took me out of the episode. It seemed a bit on the nose to me. Although I can't think of any other song you would use for a wedding march that is both appropriate AND not on the nose. Even the Imperial March would seem cliched!