Pipey McMustache

I believe you mean 2007.

Rest in Peace
seriously though, this is awesome.

The only thing that really makes me want to go vegetarian are those fucking Carl's Junior commercials.

hey, i'm

Yeah, I don't have a problem with vegetarians at all. I think it's a totally healthy and admirable lifestyle. I simply get annoyed by self-righteous vegetarians who have to make a comment anytime they see somebody about to bite into a double-double.

I thought Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close was fantastic. Maybe slightly pretentious with its use of unconventional literary devices, however i'll take that any day over this kind of pretentiousness. Yes, there are things wrong with the farming industry; Eric Schlosser does a fine job in examining these issues in

No room for wipeout?
i can just see the recaps now.


are you talking about star wars?

sam adams?
i'll have a sam jackson!

just a thought
even though she was visibly pissed about andy's postponement of the cast removal, i think ann gets a certain amount of satisfaction in being able to help people and make them feel better. she is a nurse after all.

i'm rethinking this.

you probably feel the same way i felt the first time i saw scott and started laughing, only to be immediately scolded by my roommate.

and yet you read the AV club write ups.

i'm going to go against everything i believe in
and cast a vote on american idol next week. i would just hate to see kris allen lose. he seems like the most genuine and marketable of the two finalist. come on, how many people would by a cd of adam lambert's insane soprano vibrato? not this creepy old man.

i guess i should have said i feel like i'm cheating. i don't have any issue with other people streaming the records or downloading leaks or whatever. its just personal preference. maybe cheating was a bad word to use. i just enjoy the anticipation of record release day and opening the new disc and putting it on in my

i meant physically released. you tight-asses sound like you could use some physical release.

why would you tempt me like this??
i don't really like listening to new albums until they are released. i feel like it's cheating. you're making this very hard for me.

and i know zaireeka was technically one album but there are four discs and they are all different.

big deal
they did a quadruple album already.