Astronaut Mike Dexter

Sorry, not me. :(

Oh, there is.

The only thing that could have made that joke funnier? Gayle holding up a hastily-scrawled sign that read "She can hear us."

The only thing that could have made that joke funnier? Gayle holding up a hastily-scrawled sign that read "She can hear us."

I prefer Communiteam.

I prefer Communiteam.

CBS: Crime-procedural Bull Shit

CBS: Crime-procedural Bull Shit

Todd is disappointed that the episode didn't have the kind of character development past episodes have.  But is this not an homage to L&O?

Especially if it you imagine Mae West saying it.

Favorite line of the Nazi sketch: Peele's "Negros? Eww."

Really?  I watched that same set from Anthony Jeselnik, and I laughed maybe two times during the whole half-hour.  Your mileage may vary, I suppose.  I'm just not a fan of comedians who seem self-satisfied from their own jokes on stage.

"Hi, I'm Tracy Jordan. I'm black, NBC. Very proud. Like peacocks. Right, Janet?"

Without reading anything but the headline, my response was, "It has every right to be."

I'm laughing just hearing you relate the story.  Fantastic, and well played on the hilarious stranger's part.

Unfortunately, it wasn't Michael Bay.

NO.  Absolutely not.  No, Rob Schneider….NO!

At the end of each season, Will descends into the bowels of McKinley High and turns a giant frozen wheel, which teleports the school to a different location in Ohio.

I have always assumed "fergielicious" to mean something that tastes how Fergie looks (i.e., disgusting).  For example, "This milk was left out overnight, so it probably tastes fergielicious."

Is it possible Godric could/would have done so?