Astronaut Mike Dexter

They'll probably do some sort of handwave, like claiming that Jesus was an illegal alien and unworthy of pressing charges over.

Pam repeatedly falling off a cliff into a tiny puff of smoke would be the most fucking hilarious thing ever.  Alan Ball, DO THIS.

And the way Antonia convinced her to cross over?  Vampires are stuck on earth, never to find peace.  Seems a little hateful for someone about to go to a place of eternal rest.

The best thing about this episode is the possibilities they've created for the next season.  Russell's out of his concrete prison.  Hopefully he'll be just as bloodthirsty and hilarious as in season 3.  Half of Tara's skull is gone, so maybe we won't have to deal with her lip-quivering again.  Holly seems to have

Can we talk
about how fucking awesome Pam is? Seriously, she's the show's saving grace right now. Her response to Bill reigning her in was classic.

the Mayans were right and we'll all be dead by the end of 2012.

the Mayans were right and we'll all be dead by the end of 2012.

@Just an observation


Correct me if I'm wrong, but in the "Next on True Blood" trailer did I see Tara volunteering to serve Antonia/Marnie? That might be just the thing to make her character interesting—seeing Tara fucking up some vampires and/or their plans.

Probably spoilers here.

Wynonna IS aware that the word "heroine" exists, right? Oh, who am I kidding…she probably isn't.

Childish Gambino Lyric
"I fuck a girl named Keira, nightly."

Now that I've rewatched the episode on Hulu, it seems like when Annie says "Everyone hates Britta" she does so with a tone of sympathy or pity. Anyone else get that, or is it just me?

I was waiting for the comment Obligatory Comment made; now I can leave satisfied.

Nope. I was enthralled, too.

Same here. How do you fuck with an audience who've been conditioned to expect movie homages? Get them to expect a particular homage, then give them something entirely different.

It always amuses me reading people's reactions to Community episodes after they air. What I think interests me the most is how people's expectations make or break episodes for them. I imagine that people will be disappointed that there weren't more outright laughs, just like they were with Mixology


My fear is that April's camera-glances will become as overused and annoying as Jim's camera-mugging. But you're right, I think it's unlikely.