Astronaut Mike Dexter

1000000kisses, I've been less critical of the difference in Andre's off-screen portrayal in Season 1 than the past few episodes because his characterization was completely dependent upon Shirley's perception of him. His behavior obviously hurt by her, but as he alluded in this episode relationship problems often

I just hope that April doesn't become P&R's Jim. Ugh.

"Glue in the business weave. I've got an important meeting today."

Physical Comedy
I was impressed with how much physical comedy was used. The wine throwing was a perfect touch, and I laughed the hardest when Liz was able to dodge Jenna's wine. It was impossible for me to take any part of the scene where Angie was wearing the Amy Grant outfit seriously. And of course, Jack's

Liz Lemon: Fashion Icon
If "hair pulled back in a chip-clip" becomes a real-life trend, I will LOL forever.

LloydBraun, think that was a sly, obscure reference to Pierce and Jeff's father/son-like relationship?

Biggest laugh of the night
(for me) was the quick, reactionless high-five between Troy and Abed after the librarian said, "This is the cutest thing that's ever happened to me."

I can already see an episode about a falling out between the two of them. The title? "About Aboy."

@The Beast Rabin

Another reason for the A score…
Jenna's particular brand of grating craziness and Kenneth's yokel tendencies were both kept to a minimum. Don't get me wrong—they can be quite funny sometimes, but lately they've both been a little insufferable.

Emily, I completely agree. Would have been so easy to go with disgusted face, but playful-surprise face was a much better and funnier choice.

Oh, we can. And we WILL.

Sam L

Thinking about Pierce's utter dickishness in this episode, I would really like to see an episode where the gang, out of options in dealing with a problem in any other way, unleash dick-Pierce and let him do his absolute worst. I think it'd be pretty devastating—and hilarious.

No, and as much as I love 30 Rock, it doesn't need one. The live show was a much better choice for a gimmicky episode than an hour-long episode would be. I think Community could pull off an hour-long episode, but only once (twice at the most). Let's not forget how The Office has handled their hour-long episodes.

In college, a friend named a regular girl in the student union's food court "Lemony Snickets," or Snickets for short. I'm not articulate enough to adequately describe her, but she did indeed look like she should have belonged in "A Series of Unfortunate Events."

It was a surprise to me too, especially since it happened twice (Pierce was described as dickish, then he calls someone a dick).

There appeared to be some re-positioning during the elfin sex. It looks like Annie says something to the effect of "flip her over" complete with flipping motion.

An apropos quote from Party Down regarding elderly fornication:

Missing the best part of the joke…
"I worked with a guy for three years and never knew his name. Best friend I ever had. I still never talk to that guy all the time."