
I'm pretty disappointed the interview didn't bring up the whole reddit thing, that's the main reason I looked at it.

With a little help from my old friend the youtube (
http://www.youtube.com/watc… ) I have found definitive proof the Lucas is full of shit. Yes, you never see if Greedo shot in the original, so you could twist that to say he did. But there is only one gun sound effect in the original, and I'm pretty sure the smoking

I know they're great because there are people at them.

It's less that it doesn't fit, and more that it just isn't funny.
'Look at me, I'm wacky!' is not my idea of comedy, and while I liked the once a season boardgame jokes as a fixture he doesn't have anything else interesting.

Living with his parents. No need to pay for food or rent.

10 Bucks to rent on amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Tim-E…
Which is overpriced, so I'm going to make others watch it with me to get my monies worth.

I choose to watch TV and play video games instead of getting a second job, where I could be working another forty hours a week. THIS IS THE OPPORTUNITY COST OF BEING LAZY.

So adults who like comic books were kidnapped as children?

Am I the only one that thought the judges would make a great evil league? (Probably.)

Why aren't they headliners?


Do we get mustaches?

Reviews of the worst things are often the most fun to read.

Wikipedia says it's canadian though, they're practically the same place.

I have watched it four times. By now it's a holiday tradition for me.

Holy shit, what a great episode. And the inspector spacetime holiday special made me have a nerdgasm, although it could have used more wookies.

Maybe even the opposite of batman.

This is unrelated to beetlejuice, but I just went back and read the community pilot review, it was…interesting.

I will often reply with 'yeth' when I hear someone say myth, but folks don't pick up on it. :(