
It was the best part of the episode for me. If there was a video of Charlie Day dancing like that for an extended period of time I would be forced to do drugs and watch it.

Elaborate, because I don't see one.

She'll knock those highlights out of your hair!

The Indian dude is so fucking annoying that I turned it off right after he came on screen.  Plus the blonde lead is annoying as well.

Seriously? You have a problem with people just watching another show, even if it has absolutely no effect on community? That's just asinine.

What about Ann? Don't get me wrong, I felt she was actually used well in this episode, but for most of this season she's just been dead weight, not even really filling her original role as Leslie's friend.

He also likes cooking spaghetti and ironing clothes.

…Justin time?

You forgot about awesome, they would now be awesome.

I would watch that forever.

Was this trailer made by Michael Bay?

Am i the only one that read Dahak as dalek?