I suppose I just didn't pay close enough attention to notice that before this review. Thanks for the info.
I suppose I just didn't pay close enough attention to notice that before this review. Thanks for the info.
I wish I could like this a few times. I just came over from the review of the latest Elementary episode, where one of the reviewers specifically states in the comments that AVC won't review the BBC Sherlock until it is released in America because AVC reviews the American television industry, period.
You do have a point about von Trapp…
(a key one here being exactly what Anna and Elsa's relationship was for those 15 or so years).
My assumption as to why they didn't tell Anna was to prevent the same thing happening again. Anna had no fear of her sister's magical powers, and perhaps they thought that not letting her know would keep Anna from goading her sister into using her abilities irresponsibly again.
I thought the movie was terrific too. I enjoyed most of the songs, but I just felt like there were a lot of them. It seemed like every other moment one character or another was breaking out into music. Anna was a particularly egregious offender at this, especially at the beginning of the movie. Much as I liked the…
They didn't have any choice but to go with an established and legitimate vocalist for the role and keep their fingers crossed she doesn't totally blow it in her acting.
It felt like a bad soap opera to me in terms of staging. The feeling wasn't helped by Carrie Underwood's amateur-level acting.
Yes! When the camera seemed to linger on the rolling case as it was being moved, I was certain the case would have at least one woman in there.
Yeah, I actually found myself wishing that they had figured out the wife's plot before Gale died. It would have been convenient for Holmes and Watson to have the gratitude of a multi-billionaire tech genius, as well as a potentially interesting contact for information in future episodes, even if Gale's character…
And it made me hate Jane Foster less which was good.
The little trees in my yard just haven't been growing that well, so I'm glad this episode taught me what I've been doing wrong.
It wasn't the cheating, it was the fact that all she wanted was to marry someone rich. She ditched her husband after only 22 months, while ending up with the wealth she wanted and a title to boot. I imagine it would have taken about the same amount of time for her to divorce Mycroft and clean him out. She was…
The whole reason he slept with her was to prove to his brother that she was only after Mycroft's money and that she actually didn't love him as much as she pretended. His response to her was a result of how she lived her life after he broke Mycroft and her up: the fact that she married someone in the peerage and…
I loved that last scene between Holmes and Graham. I half expected this to be a similar scene to the one in the first season between Holmes and the murdering Balloon Man kid, a "you may have gotten away with it but I know what really happened" kind of threat. And while to some respect it was, I was pleasantly…
I don't know much about ratings and I don't really follow them, but it seemed like Elementary was doing pretty well last season when CBS had the one-two punch of Person of Interest followed by Elementary. It's strange that they would break that up, since it seems to me those two shows would appeal to the same…
I was wondering the same exact thing. Seems like it'd be a lot more trouble than it's worth.
I will say that I fully expected a Sherlock-Joan moment at the very end of the episode, when he was beating up that punching bag. It's too bad the episode ended right at that moment, because it felt like it was leading up to something, even something as minor as Joan coming on her own to practice boxing or something.
I thought his performance was perfect considering the circumstances. I don't remember them ever saying how long his father was abusing him, but in any case, the emotion that kid was probably feeling was pure relief that the abuse was over and his brother was safe, mingled with guilt for actually killing his father. …
That is exactly how I saw it. If he just happened to run into her on the street or something, that would be a coincidence that wouldn't be believable. But it is specifically because of her past history of homicide by nitroglycerine that he runs into her now, which doesn't seem that big of a stretch when you consider…