Captain Apathy

The oh-so-carefully-arranged doll crime scenes were hilarious.  Also hilarious: that Joan took them completely in stride while her friend, the outsider looking in, clearly found it bizarre.  Yes, Watson, your life is weird now, and that is an awesome thing (for us!).

I really, really dislike crossovers.  Suddenly all these characters appear into a series you regularly watch with all this backstory accumulated from several seasons that you have no knowledge of.  There is no way a viewer unfamiliar with that crossover show (or even a casual viewer of the show) can appreciate the

Who needs to pay him?  He loves to see himself in the news, and there was quite a dry spell before this movie came around.  He's probably cackling happily to himself right now, wherever he is.

It is scary.  All I can do is sit here, distracted by "it", wasting my time wondering if the rest of this poor reviewer's keyboard fell off before she could finish her word, and then confused by the incongruous fact that she's able to assemble such complex sentences with only a partial keyboard.  And which part of


Does it mean I am old and not with the times if the use of the abbreviation "obvs" multiple times in this review really set my teeth on edge?

I think Watson is numb enough to Holmes antics now

@avclub-34a0cc9e710ab7fc376d918356d4a6e5:disqus :  Well, in all fairness to the character, what detective who is (perhaps) struggling with a seemingly unsolvable case wouldn't leap at the offer of help from a person with Holmes' deductive abilities?

Bringing him on screen would definitely go against the whole "dad never shows" motif.

@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus :  Wait, so your friend didn't have a problem with the Irene Adler in Sherlock, not even the way she had to be told what to do by Moriarty and how she couldn't help but fall in love with Sherlock in the end, even though she was supposedly a lesbian (or bi?)?

I hate that I inadvertently spoiled this scene for myself.  About a week ago I read an article on the upcoming episode and some "production photos" were included with the article.  You'd think they'd just be photos of the stars in London, but one of them was the shot of Holmes and Mycroft sitting on the bench while

@avclub-92a4841c9f86965effbc29fa6eae9f77:disqus : Wouldn't it be a grizzly-carp end or something?

The first time I watched this, as the claymation at the beginning started, I was (in an understatement) very confused.  But the moment the first guest died and they all started singing, I knew I would love it.  This is probably the most bizarre film I've ever seen, but it has always been one of my favorite comedies.

Okay, nevermind, I take it back.  I would like to see Riddick hunting all of them down.

I think I'd have to pass, because "Pedator" sounds very wrong….

Pitch Black is better in my opinion, but Chronicles of Riddick is still good.  I think my problem with Chronicles mainly came from the fact that it feels like such a tonal shift from Pitch Black.  I mean, the first movie is such a gritty science fiction movie, but despite the aliens it still feels like something

Everyone knows that those evil machines steal souls.  I'd say Baldwin is right to try to save his lovely wife from losing hers to an eternal limbo inside a satanic little box.

As someone who's never really been that thrilled about Superman (as he's a rather dull goody-goody heroic character in my opinion), the idea that he could be the villain in the movie actually intrigues me.  Of course, then the movie will probably turn out to be some redemptive story for him or something, but at least

Except, @avclub-830dbe34b0cd199d6664b1c56394b200:disqus , I presume that it might take a bit more expertise to cut off 132 lbs of scrotum while leaving behind some semblance of working genitalia.

So basically it is a brutal indictment of the senseless "Us vs Them" mentality in which blind hatred is preferred to open-minded understanding?