More like a double-reverse-Zuko, because she'd be switching sides twice.
More like a double-reverse-Zuko, because she'd be switching sides twice.
More like a double-reverse-Zuko, because she'd be switching sides twice.
Ha ha ha, his chin is so pointy. I just can't take anyone with a chin like that seriously.
Ha ha ha, his chin is so pointy. I just can't take anyone with a chin like that seriously.
I didn't know that he'd died! Great, as if we needed yet another thing to cry about when watching these last few episodes…
I didn't know that he'd died! Great, as if we needed yet another thing to cry about when watching these last few episodes…
What?! I love his voice, and I thought he did a good job playing Howl. I just think they dropped the ball with the script and the overall direction of the film.
A better question is "which is sadder, Grave of the Fireflies or A Dog of Flanders?"
I think The Cat Returns is my favorite as well. That movie is hilarious and just so much fun it puts a lot of Disney movies to shame.
Whisper of the Heart is just an awesome film. I'm disappointed it was criticized so much here. I thought that the A.V. Club loved coming of age stories….
Satoshi Kon's death was a shock and such an enormous loss for animation. He really was a genius. I love his movies and Paranoia Agent too. Millennium Actress still makes me cry every time I watch it.
See, that's what happens when you start off with all the characters from a book and then change the plot near the end into something radically different… some things just end up not making sense. The ending probably bothers me the most about the movie, because this horrible and violent war that's killing people and…
Ditto for me. I love the movie immensely for the beginning sections where the characters just interact, but I find it gets more and more chaotic the more it diverges away from the plot of the original story.
Ha, about the ages: I don't know why ANTM always picks girls that are 20+ and then complains incessantly about how old they are. They should keep it around 17 or 18, or else they should have an exclusive "Old" season. Tyra can change the face of the industry again by bringing in all those old fogey models in their…
Oh, whoops. I must have slept through that part.
It's rare, isn't it? It seems like the winners are always the last person you'd been hoping would get the prize.
I need to watch Australia's NTM, then, because that is what I'm interested in seeing, not this celebrity stuff.
They're not exclusive contracts. More than one girl can be booked for each designer.
The only female perspective Hollywood sees is that all female characters are obsessively focused on talking about guys and having sex with guys and attracting guys to have sex with them. It has been at least a few years now since emancipation and marriage is no longer the only career path for women. So women in…
It's too bad he's running that show on NBC, though. Half the edgy and interesting things that would be permissible on British TV or cable wouldn't make the cut for NBC. I'd love to see a Luther-esque dark show about pirates, but in reality I think it will be less like Luther and more like a watered-down Cutthroat…