Captain Apathy

Wait, I thought the point of the review was that the series actually works better when it references the original mythos and then takes off and does its own thing.  I thought Teti's point was that this episode adhered too closely to the original story and so it lost a bit of the spark of the other episodes.

I said it makes me want to.  The show is too fun and I'm too lazy to actually change my opinion.

Fair point, but the grade itself is usually a "summary" of what the review is saying.  Debating the grade is like debating that "summary."  It's a general starting off point, a "your overall opinion was that this episode was average, but I think it was better than average" type of comment, which is hopefully backed by

I'm another textbook case, hmmm?

What's wrong with having a different opinion of how good of an episode it was?  The review presents one opinion of it.  The comments express other opinions.  Sometimes they agree and sometimes they disagree.  As long as it's not outright trolling and is supported by reasons that we can all discuss, is there really any

The scene with the security lights really was scary.  Most "scary" scenes from horror movies and thrillers don't bother me at all, but throw in the psychological kind of threats — in this case, "there's something out there, unseen, lurking around and sneaking closer" — and I'll be cowering in a blanket with all the

@avclub-7cf12ec23b16390f64b0f52e65a7ac1d:disqus : I was going to agree with you and say that I liked this episode and it really is a helluva lot better than most TV out there, but this comment from you makes me want to hate this episode instead, just to spite you.

The dog belonged to the innkeepers, and had nothing to do with the scientists beyond being big, ugly, and inclined to be mistaken as an evil monster from hell when seen through the distortion of psychedelic gas.  I thought it was pretty clear that the innkeepers were trying to capitalize off of the hound legend to

Are they supposed to be unspoken rules?!

Is it an AV Club Rule to intensely like a movie/TV show/book/etc. for a few brief months before suddenly and for no reason announcing to the world that it is and has always been the very epitome of "horrible?"

Hmmm, I'm tired of reboots too, but I kind of hope it does well.  I like the character of Spiderman but I dislike Tobey Maguire.  His take on the character took it past "nerdy do-gooder" and into the realm of smarmy and annoying.  So I hope this new movie is good just so that there is a Spiderman I can like.

Yeah, actually I do enjoy the gothic crap vibe.  I think I like it because it's unique.  It's a style you don't really see except in his films, and sometimes I just want to watch darkly humorous gothic films like Nightmare Before Christmas.

Ah, see, that's why he still makes the same "gothic crap" films.  Some random guy named Tim Buron is getting all your messages instead.

Okay, now you're just being silly.

360 version is out!  I just bought it the other day, and I'm loving it so far.  What I like is that they really made an effort in the release.  For the same price as a normal new game, I got the "Enhanced" edition, which included a ton of content like all the DLCs they've created so far, the soundtrack, maps and quest

Oh, don't get me wrong.  I'm no fan.  The only time I watched the damn thing was when I was a captive audience on a plane and without headphones, and I think that's all I need to see of it.

Wait, your argument has just been undermined by the fact that you named at least two characters. Three if you count unobtanium.

I think they've taken a lot of effort to show that Sherlock's abilities are unique.  The majority of the people they run into are normal people who think his deductions are like magic, and there is only that small handful of people who understand him.

You're not alone.  I liked Baskerville a lot.  And while Blind Banker and Belgravia might be weak, they're still better than the vast majority of other shows out there now.

You know, I actually didn't mind the mind palace that much.  On the screen it looked a bit silly, but if you imagine it as a visualization of what's going on in his mind rather than just "Sherlock Holmes waving his arms crazily," it works.  I suppose it is a bit difficult to find dynamic ways to show mental processes