I also have AV Club to thank for getting me into ATLA. I'd seen one or two of the season 1 episodes before (namely, the Great Divide), enough to categorize it as "kid's show" in my mind, and it wasn't until I saw the depth to the reviews and the comments that I gave it another shot. So thank you, AV Club and fellow…
I love the whole fight (who couldn't) from beginning to end, and I love that Katara finishes it off. But every time I watch it, I still can't help but yell at Katara for being idiotic enough to run out there and make herself a target when she knows how evil and immoral Azula is. She might as well have been waving…
I really think it will be "Energy" or "Spirit." After all, if an energybender can remove everyone's ability to bend, then everyone is "normal," and wouldn't that be the ultimate goal for the anti-bending people?
That is a problem with too many dance shows. It really makes the dance impossible to judge by anyone watching through the camera, because we're just not seeing what the judges and audience members are seeing. We're seeing the show's edit of it. It always makes me extremely frustrated when I'm watching these types…
They're terrible. The insidious kind of terrible that is perfectly designed to sneak right into my brain and never leave again. The chorus for the UK song is currently driving me insane with its infantile rhyming and high pitched "tooch," and I watched the damn thing last night. I woke up with it still in my head!!
Oh dear god, those songs are terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, the cardinal sin is not obeying Tyra's whims immediately with a spritely smize and undying gratitude for her attention.
Twelve Kingdoms is an amazing Japanese TV show based on a series of Japanese books. It's been released on DVD and several of the books have been translated and published in English. I would definitely recommend it. I never made the connection before, but it is actually very Avatar-esque in a lot of different ways.
Hmmm, you have a point. But there's a bit of a difference between responding to an attack by hostile forces (i.e. self defense) and planning out an assassination. Because that is basically what they are doing: plotting a way to murder the ruler of the Fire Nation. Maybe that's a bit too premeditated for Aang to be…
I agree with the comments about Utopia. I rewatch very few episodes from 3 because Martha's puppy-dog-love character annoys me, but Utopia is just awesome. I've always loved the vibe between the Doctor and Jack, and the end of the episode was just a fantastic climactic scene and exciting build-up (until we get to…
I think the point is still valid. The "abstract" part is Ozai himself. For much of the series he stood as a dark shadowy figure that the Gaang knew had to be defeated, but it was all very vague to them. The seige you mention is only a skirmish en route to the final battle against Ozai, not the war itself. Even…
I thought I was the only one who really disliked Buffy! The side characters were so much more entertaining, and she just annoyed the hell out of me. While I was working my way through the show, I constantly debated whether it was worth it to suffer through Buffy just to get more Willow/Xander/Spike/etc. awesomeness.
"That's not how it works. You die. And a demon sets up shop in your old house, and it walks and it talks and it remembers your life, but it's not you." Harmony and the rest of the vampires on the show tend to annoy me because they appear to be their human selves turned into vampires, not demons inhabiting the skin…
We need to have a princess who is a doofus and whom no one wants to save. That we could work with. But is that not PC enough? Maybe the feminists will get all up in arms, because no female lead can ever be a doofus.
I think they're a popular and trendy target not just because of some high-profile immoral Christians, but because they kind of just throw themselves out there. They make themselves a target.
An out-of-context summary has never been so accurate. Well done, sir.
I'm appalled at all of you. Children from other families you will never meet might see this movie if it isn't stopped in its tracks by the brave cultural soldiers at the Parents Television Council! These poor nameless children might be able to see this movie based on their own parents' approval if the PTC doesn't…
But "I didn't expect you to seem so… you" is so deep and meaningful that it should win them an award somewhere, so it all balances out.
Ugh, don't bring that up again. I just got that image out of my mind.