
Title of this vapid interview is totally misleading.

My favorite scene… Just as Stan is walking by his boy's room, the older one says: "daddy can't protect us!" That line epitomizes the absurdity of this show.

I'm a nurse in RL and I can tell you whenever we have a victim who is shot at point blank range, barely lives through an all night surgery, is paralyzed and has a huge, not yet healed wound from said gun shot/surgery, we always begin rehab a day later by having a weakling with no medical experience lug the patient off

This show has reached the point where the killing and Rosie no longer matter. If they had revealed the killer at the end of season one they could have created a franchise show. Keeping it to 13 episodes would have allowed the writers to focus on the procedural, psychological and character elements of the show, while

Low mystery quotient. Low procedural quotient. So so writing. Most of the characters and behinds-the-scenes personnel on this show would be worth harvesting as food. Will add to my report.