Bob Genghiskhan

Harry Potter wasn't YA; that was straight up kids books.

Raylan's not a genuinely good guy, though. He's actually an asshole, and a rogue with a badge to boot.

Wait, politics and partisanship are anti-Olympic? Oh, 80's Olympic broadcasts, you lied to me.

The thing that kills me about the non-Earth maps, though, is the unrealistic blend of terrains. Every time I see a grassland forest hex abutted on three sides by desert hexes and nary a hill in sight, a tiny, tiny piece of me dies.

Eh, I've met worse. In Florida, naturally.

No, save it for those who truly deserve to smote by the left hand of God. Save it for those warped souls who would microwave fish in the office kitchen.

So, not really for free.

Plus, if you're a lead or a second, odds are pretty good that a couple times per game, you're going to be running down the ice sideways while sweeping, which takes a surprising amount of coordination.

I am. Curling is awesome, and very booze-friendly.

Duane Allman, the Fillmore East Mountain Jam that was on Eat a Peach. For five minutes, he deconstructs the universe into component parts and rebuilds it in a kinder, more beautiful way. It's the only time I've ever heard rock that I would compare to the 4th Movement of Beethoven's 9th.