
Great first episode of the new season.  I'm on Team Knope!!

Was that the curses-like-a-sailor Indian guy from "40 Year Old Virgin" fame who was asking about/buying the "shitty TV" - or just someone meant to remind me of him?

Earphone In Public = Disengagement?
I recall a really great Zippy comic strip from probably the late 80's or early 90's that touches on what Noel mentions in his second paragraph.

Personally, I'd eat a few…

Da doy!

Don't know if this is something that's been discussed on here before, but it's something I've noticed and wondered about for awhile: during the beginning credits of this episode, I counted no less than 21 (TWENTY ONE) people listed with producer, executive producer, co-executive producer, supervising producer, and/or

I have to admit - I laughed out loud and HARD at several gags last night. For some reason, Jack slowly closing the door on Jenna's "Did someone say TAP DANCING?!?" or whatever was gold…GOLD. I AM easily entertained, however: I can still get a good feeling from Baldwin's "quick turn around/glance over his shoulder"

And I meant to add, so far as Andy Dick is concerned, Bill McN said it best:

These recaps are making me nostalgic for NR - wonder why it's not rerun like other (worse) shows from the same time period? (I'm talkin' to YOU, "Cosby" reruns, which still seem to show up with the dreary inevitability of an unloved season).

I have to chime in that MY favorite Scrabble-centric TV gag has to be from The Critic, courtesy of none other than Duke Phillips. When the validity of his word is challenged, Duke promptly makes a call:

Maybe Beth needed the check.

and to add something about bad lyrics (yes, they're dreadful): don't forget that album also had "Love Rusts" which goes "Love rusts when it rains on romance" and let's not talk about "Sara" either. The sad part is that Grace Slick shoulda known better.

Best Stanwyck line ever, from "Ball of Fire," after he describes her sore throat as having a "slight rosiness:"

I agree that taking these reviews too seriously can make one look kinda goofy (see above).

I think one item that speaks to the (in)stability of the Pistols as a long term prospect for EMI or Virgin or anyone else to manage/market was the fact that the Pistols start its first (and only) US tour, and promptly broke up 12 days later. So yeah, Virgin had them about a year after EMI dumped them, but they were

I think these were actual shows, but I remember an attempt to spin off Marla "Florence" Gibbs from The Jeffersons; I think Florence became the head of housekeeping in a hotel. When the series failed, Florenced returned, humbled, to that dee-luxe apartment in the sky, telling Weezy simply, "Chile, it (the hotel)

Nuggets from Abed's Whiteboard
Jeff likes pool, expensive things, and pretty girls. Needs control.

Stray observations (all of which are Andy-centric):

I was rewatching the episode - noticed some interesting nicknacks around April's desk when she was explaining "shoeshine head:"