Never mind. Don't you worry your pretty little head over it Governor. You just go right on back to Sacramento and continue overseeing the disintegration of California.
Never mind. Don't you worry your pretty little head over it Governor. You just go right on back to Sacramento and continue overseeing the disintegration of California.
If the gods have any love for us at all: never.
Bob Saget had a career comeback?
Or below, depending on your settings.
The only episode of Punky that I remember is the one where she's trapped in a room with a demonic corpse/doll in a rocking chair.
Don't forget the instant messages and email! That's like totally… know - virtual 'n shit.
"And I'd like these 10 minutes of my life back."
My god man - that was the first thing that popped into your brain? Get your mind to the nearest gutter! Schnell!
I'd live in the 30 Rock universe but only if I could live in Cleveland.
Exactly which bank do you work for?
The legislative branch? Since when has Congress been a beloved institution in our society? Hell, the same could be said for any branch of government on any level (city, state or federal).
"illustrated" rather than "animated" would've been a better choice of word. And that's all I have to add to this discussion. I need coffee…excuse me.
I liked "So I Married and Axe Murderer" but - with the exception of a couple of sharp cameo scenes - I didn't really find it too funny. It was more like marshmallow fluff. Goes down easy, nothing too memorable (except of course the standout cameo scenes previously mentioned).
What are the current odds on Andy Dick?
Nothing supernatural about it. A string of bad movies (remember "The Cat in The Hat"?) will do wonders for burning off any lingering goodwill.
Urge to kill…rising…
It's quite amazing what can be accomplished with technology these days.