
We have not reached max capacity yet, not by far. There are too many people on the planet that want to be able to do as little as possible— THAT is the problem. We could very easily have urban/local/community/city gardens, tend to them each in turn, and supplement with just a little bit less meat (more if you want to

Reefer Madness: The Musical, anybody?
Just good, campy fun. He makes a good goat-man, FDR, and propagandist— and rivals Kristen Bell for sexy.

I'm a huge TOOL (ha) fangirl, so I feel obligated to mention their incredible live show. Lasers, space ships, gorgeous art, contortionists… if you like spectacle, don't miss it. I went to Bonnaroo the year they played specifically FOR them, endured many a "why the fuck are TOOL at 'Roo!?" comment; the show answered

I agree wholeheartedly with your first paragraph. Haters gonna hate, but this man is an invaluable asset to music and humanity in general. He got me (as a young, angry Atheist) to stop cringing every time I heard the word "God" in a song; now, as a slightly older, spiritual agnostic, I can honestly just enjoy his JOY

sum gai - infinite internets to you, my friend.

If you dislike this game,
you must dislike magic, color, and fun, too.