I always thought they had those names backwards. The blonde slutty one didn't seem like a Louise to me.
I always thought they had those names backwards. The blonde slutty one didn't seem like a Louise to me.
And when she finally gets it right, she's just watching him eat it, waiting for her husband's approval, wearing the white Marilyn Monroe dress. Everything creepy about that.
Yeah, Dean is a lot less perfect on the rewatch. Even before the Jess thing happened he was really jealous about Rory. Tristan was never a threat to their relationship and he kinda threatened to kill him right off the bat.
Yeah that was an example that really confused the argument considering criticism of Von Trier's films, at least on this site, usually include remarks about his personality and controversies.
Maybe around here….Superman
Happy to see you!
Am I remembering correcting that he gave money to Midge in season 1 a few times too?
In the sense that cable TV is only writing one type of morally ambiguous male protagonist, yes.
I'm having Buffy flashbacks because they are integrating that guy about as subtly as season 5 Dawn. And I know they've been doing this, adding new characters at the beginning of the season but because he's an accounts guy he's just so out there with building on the fake relationships with clients thing that it really…
relevant story, bro
I watch these with my mom, who had some sort of fashion PTSD in reaction to the sight of that white lipstick.
Yeah, I'm actually okay with the backstory going that dark, even though I was just writing off that "Oh I grew up in a place like this" comment as a weird exaggeration. His promiscuity isn't exactly because he's bored, or because "it's what men do" (that was the justification for drinking right? From Roger) it is a…
Yeah, you think that if you've already seen the shower scene, you've been exposed to the scariest stuff Psycho has to offer but the "wouldn't hurt a fly" face at the end is so…much…worse.
Yeah, you think that if you've already seen the shower scene, you've been exposed to the scariest stuff Psycho has to offer but the "wouldn't hurt a fly" face at the end is so…much…worse.
Hence the tension. Certainly worked for me.
Thank you! Can't wait to read it.
"In times of trouble, people don’t want to hear soothing words of wisdom; they want to hear somebody who shares their rage"
Speaking of places you don't want be alone in after hours.
I can't believe I've listened to every episode of How Did This Get Made and I didn't figure out who was playing Dennis Feinstein until the end of this episode.
I've seen that on a menu (possibly Cheeseburger in Paradise?) but have been afraid to try it.