Sorry, but this was a Friends episode. I can't find it scary.
Sorry, but this was a Friends episode. I can't find it scary.
This seems kinda redundant after the Ben Kingsley knockoff guy in the first movie.
Yeah that threw me off a bit. Adam Shankman's directing for Mad Men now?! How did he swing that?
I don't suppose it's occurred to him that people can watch it now that it's on DVD because not everyone has HBO? And they don't release their DVDs until three seconds before the new seasons start so it's really hard to keep up?
John Carter, because I was starting to feel sorry for it and because I had read the Random Roles where Willem Dafoe basically told me to. I figured Hunger Games isn't going anywhere. Enjoyed it for the most part although it felt as accidentally derivative as I suspected it would, and I'm still not sold on Taylor…
Does the fact that you mentioned Danny Huston mean that he has an actual part in this movie? From what I can recall of the first one, he was supposed to be Poseidon but they just had him stand there in the background. Like an extra.
I actually came down here to say that I'm finding that picture of him insanely hot…so no.
Because of the terrible baggy sweatshirts in Winter's Bone?
He's also the token white guy in Drumline.
I'm finding it vaguely endearing that she apparently wants to be Ava when she grows up.
You know, you're right. I've liked him a little more ever since that episode, that line where he basically says "Why should I have to clean up after you?!" and for the first time didn't sound like he was just saying "Why can't you give me what I want?"
Well the unthinkable has occurred, I now like Pete Campbell.
The main reason I'm glad that that song happened is that it lead to Lane trying to replicate it for Joan later. I really really enjoyed Jared Harris tonight.
Yeah I didn't get that from this episode at all. To me, it just showed that them working in the same office is a colossally bad idea. And that that Roger and Jane's marriage continues to be a really bad idea.
So my mother is retiling our shower this weekend and partially ripped apart the walls last night. I worked at 5 am this morning, and what with the walls being ripped up a shower was out of the question. So I had to take a pretty shallow bath, in a partially demolished tub at 315 am…with that picture stuck in my head.
This was a pretty odd read. Like the writer was in the midst of a deep depression about the world as it is right now (because torture was invented in 2001, apparently)…but also had a column to write.
Am I supposed to find the term "fancy lad" inherently hilarious?
Man Bites Dog.
I feel better about this episode if they hadn't, you know, LIFTED AN ENTIRE CHARACTER FROM BREAKING BAD!
If I may quote rifftrax: "Original Films, a division of Bitterly Ironic Studio Names Inc."