
Hey, Xerxes wasn't the one who raped leonidas's wife. But I see your point, in that, and in most other things I've seen him in (haven't gotten to The Wire yet) he's less evil than slimy and untrustworthy. Still, I'm usually very happy when his characters die or get dumped.

Yay for you!

Life is Beautiful.

"a ruthless villain played by Dominic West, who’s clearly enjoying the chance to play a simple bad guy" Um, as opposed to all the  really nice guys he's played?!

Yeah, I appreciate that they pay more attention to story than effects, but wow, that looked awful.

I already liked Ava, but this episode pushed me over into worshipping Ava. It takes a special kind of awesome to basically say "Oh, that's so sweet" and sound sincere when a pimp compliments you by saying that you are hot enough to be his prize whore.

I see no downhill in the quality of writing he gets to work with. Either he looks for the good scripts or they look for him, I have yet to watch him in anything poorly written.

One more time, from the top….EVERYONE EVERYWHERE HAS PROBLEMS!

That was a pretty illuminating scene for me. Between the "that's awesome" and him not knowing anything about Raylan and Boyd (and by extension, Harlan) sorta indicated that this guy, scary as he is, may be a little out of his depth.

Am I the only one who actually liked Skyler in season 4? If only for the "Someone has to protect this family from the man who's protecting this family" line.

It reassures them.

I'm a little too happy to be drinking the latest energy drink while reading this thread.

I loved Action

Everyone, even the really gorgeous people, looked way better in that making of that they do on the show. I was especially thrown by Mrs Patmore.

Yeah, I've been hopefully assuming he did.

The gods are not that kind. But thank you for the mental image, I will use it later.


I agree with totally on both songs. I'm going to buy beautiful stranger now.

I will honestly see that movie.

Seriously! What I learned from tonight's episode was to never ever call Neal McDonough a carpetbagger. I don't want to see that look on his face again. 
Incredible scene.