
I feel like I went to the movies a fair amount this year but I think I've only seen like…six? of the ones mentioned here. And outside of Drive, they were all in next five, unexpected surprises or FFTTF categories. Looks like I have some renting to do, as I've gotten several favorite movies from previous years pleasant

Blake Lively doesn't get nearly enough credit for how good she is in the first Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.

I have an extremely vague affection for it because it's inevitably the first christmas song I hear, playing quietly in a store about a week before thanksgiving. The first tiny glimpse of the holiday.

Why do we have to be housewives to be horny and unfulfilled?

I'm pretty sure that was also Sex and the City episode.

"Hang all the mistletoe, I'm gonna get to know you better, thiiiis Chriiistmas" Seriously, when did that thing become a standard and how do I make it stop. Maybe it's just because I define Christmas by family, snow, cooking, shopping and carols about the birth of someone I don't believe in that strongly but I love

I disagree strongly, because Love Actually is wonderful, but he may be the best thing about it. If only for the unexpected sweetness of that last scene with him and his manager where he says "It's a terrible mistake, Chubs. But you turned out to be the fucking love of my life"

Yeah, right there with you. Anything exclusive Santa focused in Christmas music is usually, like you said, tailor made to be sing yelled by children in unison and the Santa thing isn't the aspect of Christmas that I really connect to.

Ah, I see.

Whoa, did you just call Daniel Day Lewis British? Isn't he very very Irish?

Well since everyone else is doing it….No questions on Iron Jawed Angels? Because she was incredible in that.

Kinda felt that way about Eastern Promises. It came so highly recommended but I wasn't that impressed. It succeeded in making my feel very uncomfortable which, what with Cronenberg and all, I view as a good thing. But plotwise wise there didn't really seem to be much at stake for any of the characters who were not

Yeah, can I just categorize "Clancy Brown" as the best scene in a worst movie? But I suppose I pick the church scene if we're going to get specific.

Agreed: Team Mustache dad! He's the only one who delivers his lines in the way a human actually talks.

Am I the only person who genuinely likes 90% of Troy? My only problem with that movie is that Brad Pitt always sounds so goofy when he yells (which kinda hurts that awesome scene you just described) and that Orlando Bloom and Diane Kruger are way too boring to be playing the couple that launched a thousand ships

I've never even seen the Thanksgiving special, just Christmas

Why else would we come here?


Football ignorers or ex Grey's Anatomy watchers?

I actually watched that in a huge group of people at a Superbowl party. The only one I've ever been to. Practically no one watched the game except for the male half of the couple throwing the party.We all just ran in for the commercials and then gathered around to watch the code black episode of Greys anatomy with