
Just saw this and dear god is it awful. But I'm kinda in love with Clancy Brown now.

Aw, I love the Supremes! (And I appreciated Isaac and Ishmael in the moment. Some of the dialogue doesn't hold up) But it always annoyed me how inconsistently the Supreme court was handled.

You know, I don't hate Expose on its own. I don't get why it exists and it's kind of a waste of time but it's not as glaringly awful as I was led to believe.

In MST3k eps, I just can't get through Cave Dwellers.

Sorkin's "just angrily thinkin out loud about 9/11" episode is what made you stop watching West Wing. Really?

Yep, considering I was basically yelling "Why are you 12 years old now?!" at the TV I really didn't want him to be rewarded with an explosion to walk cooly away from.

Can there be mad subtlety?

That Dodge plug was the last thing I expected to happen in a show like this. Especially when I had to watch an actual Dodge ad during the commercial break.

I thought the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo trailer looked awesome. And I have zero interest in those books. I'm really susceptible to teaser trailers though. I decided to see LOTR just based on that first trailer with that shot where they walk in slo mo over that hill.

I'm gonna go ahead and always forget where I came from just to spite that obnoxious trailer. Also you know you've aired something too many times when a decent actress playing a heartbroken woman whispering that she was nine when her parents were killed…in front of her…just makes me roll my eyes

Oh yes, Bowie in Labyrinth. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I think I can pinpoint beginning puberty when I was ten and I watched that for the first time.

As a woman who posts here (is that what we're supposed to be doing? And why did that person assume we don't exist again?) I've found the leering to be kinda equal.  But you're right, when I say "I think Blank is kinda hot",it doesn't usually prompt 200 other comments.

Oh wow, the Kids Kits! I remember thinking that was a really good idea.

I skipped these books as a way to imagine my future life as a beautiful popular teenager. I think I read "Teen" magazine for that.

I so wanted this movie to be good. Viola Davis is still awesome but very few other actors in the movie are playing actual people. The good characters have no flaws and the bad ones are pure evil. Bryce Dallas Howard seemed to be playing an actual robot, one that was programmed to torture black people.

Katie holmes and that horrible step number
She has terrible taste. That wasn't actually a dig at Tom but at her career and terrible judging tonight. Also how does something as sloppy as that step number (and why do one if the sound is going to covered by the music) air during the finale without Nigel conclusively

Planet of the Apes, Black Death and World's Greateast Dad today (all good in their own wildly different ways) and many episodes of Mad men over the weekend.

I finally managed to buy Last Action Hero a few months ago and watched it for the first time since I was a kid. Turns out it's not as smart as I remember but when you're 11 and it's one of only two things you've seen that reference how movies work (the other being Animaniacs) it's totally a brilliant satire. This is

You know what I learned from this
Rachel McAdams was in The Hot Chick?!

Yay for a little Kevin James defense. I've found him pretty sexy ever since Hitch.