"the scene of Will standing up at the end and clapping by himself is the saddest of the series"
"the scene of Will standing up at the end and clapping by himself is the saddest of the series"
so weak
If you're going to do Rocky Horror, commit to it! As if not using Stamos as Frankenfurter wasn't enough of a waste then they give it to Mercedes and change the lyrics?! What was the point, why not just have the kids randomly sing Time Warp if that's all you were comfortable with?
I haven't noticed industrial blood farming on True Blood, but the humans do get referred to as cattle.
Hey, College humor is good! Have you not seen the Font Conference video?
See, I'm an easy scare, but the first one did very little for me. I think a big part of that was because we just had a new ejector pump put in our house and it's loud and makes virtually the same noise as the first big "scare" in the movie, so I wasn't at all worried.
The jumping at the camera with slightly warped face was stupid, but at least it was some kind of action. The killing Micah off camera then rocking for days would have made the whole thing seem even more like a high school play than it already was. I hate hate hate the rocking back and forth to indicate the character…
"Do you bitch when a friend beats you in chess?"
You pretty much had to forgive alot of Spike's action's for the whole run of the series, but mainly the attempted rape.
Look at that bouquet
Red roses, daises, pink tiger lilies
I know it's the thought that counts and all, but purple teddy bear? Am I in eight grade?!
We're talking about Whedon people here, room temperature doesn't negate hotness.
That was awesome, McBeth
Just call it "money friendly" and be done with it!
Oh no…
I've actually heard the audio from that 911 call, which makes me wonder if I inadvertantly caught this when it ran on Biography. Oops
Liotta, sorry
I thought Ray Liott as well, but now that someone else mentioned it I guess he's more Neal McDonough-esque
Well, it's not like they said it was an inventory of "love scenes"
Man, I love American Dreamz. I demand more Hugh Grant/Mandy Moore movies. It doesn't have to be political satire but they do have to play sociopaths.
Bridget Jones really shouldn't be PG13 rated either…
Not until February, Yabels.