
Well, nothing about his female characters has ever bothered me and my feminism is pretty hair trigger. Cleac (or whatever) could you tell me more about this special women's language that I speak? Because you really lost me on that one. All characters written by one person with a very strong voice (and a specific set

Oh no!
I actually like Dear Girls above me.

I swear I saw Away We Go but I'm having trouble remembering anything about it other than a really depressed Melane Lynskey. I didn't even remember this opening.

I laugh at that everytime I see the preview

Its never made any sense to me…

kinda like
That episode of House where he hallucinates having sex with Cuddy…if Cuddy was a succubus

Hi! I enjoy action movies, Helen Mirren, Bruce Willis and Ernest Borgnine. I pay to see new movies in theatres and I totally exist…so there's that.

There already is a Random Roles for Brian Cox, actually

Glee characters behaving like human beings while doing great versions of songs that are not already overdone. Thank GOD.

Having just watched the third season of True Blood yesterday, I'm totally with Bill at this point. Does every episode need to include him dramatically professing his great love to sookie while the love theme plays in the background and Anna Paquin stares at him like he's never said this before?! At this point I cringe

Tony Curtis was attacking Brokeback Mountain? Has he actually watched his own movies?

Must buy
Marty. Why don't I own that yet?!

Yeah, I thought Shaolin Soccer seemed more cohesive, storyline wise.

The one on the right….what is wrong with her mouth?

Sookie flying off to faery land at the end was really anticlimactic. I had forgotten how much I loved Hoyt and Jessica. I likesd the negotiation scene with Russell and Sookie, particularly the offer to kill Eric, or Bill, or both or neither, such a nice twist on the way villians tend to offer to save one

Eric's not even remotely intimdated by Bill, I think he finds his attempts to threaten him vaguely amusing.

It did seem intentional
Since sorkin has always been very good to those of us with two X's, I assumed the lack of interesting woman was an intentional extension of the way he portrayed Zuckerberg, as a mysoginistic asshole. So naturally the only interesting woman in the movie (the exposition spouting lawyers don't

You have a point
That Chevelle song is insanely boring!

few thoughs
1) they did the hire an unqualified woman to try to sleep with her plotline two seasons ago, with House and that woman he found at the FBI

The texting brings out my "Get off my Lawn" side, not because it spoils the movie for me (it doesn't, it's ignorable, and not everyone does it) and more because I don't understand what is so emotionally difficult about turning off your phone for a couple of hours! The people who aren't there with you won't self