
Am I the only person who thinks that Woody Allen gets a free ride because his intellectualism is a kind of Starbucks intellectualism? That watching one of his movies brings back soft focus memories of one's undergrad days where one pondered, for a week or so, 'deep thoughts'? Wading pool deep? It feels more like

I don't follow your logic, my good man. Batman has a lab and builds his
own accessories. What did Robocop ever do in the name of science? He didn't even choose to be a
Robocop! And was quite unhappy, as I recall, when he became one!

We should actively encourage the theft of porn given that this 'industry' is exploitative of human desperation and misery. Once the industry goes bankrupt, the only new porn would be produced, one assumes, by amateurs who do it for kinky kicks. Hmm…just occurs to me that the same argument can be made about pirating

That was a gorgeous game indeed…a total Kirby universe! My sons and I lived for it for a year or so.

It's not about Depp changing, it's about him staying the same. The backlash is somewhat akin to attempting to eat one's way down a line of twelve jelly doughnuts—more and more sickening as one progresses. By the time one watches him cavort as the Mad Hatter one is about ready to vomit. It's not the doughnut's

The only appeal of a SHIELD show is its access to the Marvel universe. No one expects big budget effects but this is just a bland spy show, really. Bland, bland, bland. They've all been D-ish episodes, except perhaps the first which at least seemed to hold a little promise. Anyway, my son and I gave up around Episode

I watched the first episode months ago and hated it. Then a friend with a good heart implored me to give it another try and it really grew on me. It's far from perfect—the constant lauding of Derek's saintliness is awful—insisted upon more than demonstrated—but Hannah is a wonderful, warm character and there's a Mike

too much was made of the 'walt is irrreplacable' angle when an inbred he can apparently teach the basics of his method to any street kid who comes along…

Not much of an attempt for a man with an army behind him!

The one weakness running through BB all along has been how Walt has been able to roam free for over a year despite having no protection of any kind. Gus Fring could have kept him as a slave, producing meth till doomsday—or, when Walt became a problematic employee—just forced him to write his meth process down in

When Walt shoots Mike and then says, 'Oh, God, I didn't have to do that' he's revealing that the shooting WAS premeditated. Walt's just driven to cover his tracks, even with a dying man, by making up cover stories. So much hubris. That's why Mike says, 'shut up (your bullshit) and let me die in peace'. He volunteered

When Walt shoots Mike and then says, 'Oh, God, I didn't have to do that' he's revealing that the shooting WAS premeditated. Walt's just driven to cover his tracks, even with a dying man, by making up cover stories. So much hubris. That's why Mike says, 'shut up (your bullshit) and let me die in peace'. He volunteered

Hope you like it. Some complain about the horns and gospel back up singers, but I've always thought R&B/gospel settings really suited Dylan's voice…don't know why "I Believe In You" doesn't get singled out more often…probably because it's 'religious'…

Hope you like it. Some complain about the horns and gospel back up singers, but I've always thought R&B/gospel settings really suited Dylan's voice…don't know why "I Believe In You" doesn't get singled out more often…probably because it's 'religious'…

I may get branded an ass, but I'd say I've gotten more pleasure out of Street Legal than any other Dylan album…and I know them all. It's passionate to the 9th degree…more on the edge than anything else he ever recorded, with the exception of the majestic "I Believe In You" from Slow Train, which never gets enough

I may get branded an ass, but I'd say I've gotten more pleasure out of Street Legal than any other Dylan album…and I know them all. It's passionate to the 9th degree…more on the edge than anything else he ever recorded, with the exception of the majestic "I Believe In You" from Slow Train, which never gets enough

I don't think that anyone has drawn attention to Megan's line when she declines to show Betty around the apartment: "I think you've seen enough of it already", which implies that Megan is aware that Betty 'spied' on her in the bedroom.

I read half of Freedom, THEN I fed it to the boars. What's so bad about that?

Am I the only person out here in the ether who thinks that recent Woody Allen is

Why are so many horror films' titles composed of fairly long phrases? "The Third Winnebago From The End of the Lane", etc. Is this format intrinsically scary?