Actual advice given by guy who worked at a car wash: "NEVER wear a condom"
Actual advice given by guy who worked at a car wash: "NEVER wear a condom"
IT looks like Proffessor Troll's plan to provoke Anti-Anti-Troll outrage has succeeded! Kudos Professor Troll.
What's the deal with concentration camps?
Nah Nah Nah NahNah HEY! NahNah NahNah
I caught up with the series at book 8, waited friggin' ever for book 9, and started assuming he was going to die before finishing when they came out with that friggin' prequel rather than the next book.
Scott looked like Teen Wolf
I'd buy that for a dollar!
He has a little Mickey Rourke happening
Lazy Horse Matress -…
nyuk nyuk nyuk
I like my sex like I like my chocolate, in the form of disfigured rabbits
It's a chair! On the table! How whimsical!
That 96 year old lady was certainly the most impactful work of Picasso's "Brown" period.
Master Blaster of course.
and… scene!
I received some rather weird looks from a nearby elderly couple when I released a wordless howl of indignation after spotting the poster up in the local theatre.
The look of "Urg! Now I've got Cancer!" on that crook's face
They're the world's most fearsome fighting teens!
the first to die in a fire hopefully
Maybe this has already come up, but other than a lack of rollerskates is Nathaniel not EXACTLY like Terry from Reno 911?