Janine M

"You thought you were vaccinating your child for polio; surprise, you're on Candid Camera! Also, vaccines are totally bad and stuff." First episode, done and done.

I think he means watching the show makes you want to devour human flesh.

I honestly can't say I expected this particular dripping from the personified butthole of every bad idea ever to be pimped on the AV Club. That was like watching a dying dog hump a much-beloved-but-long-dead family pet.

Only just recently started digging into Dark Souls myself. Started out with a warrior build, and it wasn't really doing anything for me, so I switched to pyromancer and it's been a ton o' fun thus far. I think part of the appeal in Dark Souls for me (ironically, also what kept me from trying it for so long) is that

Oh, I'm all for small gestures, at least when they're done well. The problem is, Andrew Lincoln as Rick has exactly two settings, and Chandler Riggs, just… I'm not buying it. He's not good.

I wish I could think that was likely, but some BW episodes make AT look positively normal, and in some cases it's a fair bit more… 'adult' (ugh) than AT. I could see it on Adult Swim though.

Up to the second half of this latest season, my opinions have been mostly in sync with the AV Club / whoever happens to be doing the reviews. During these last few episodes though, I've been coming to almost entirely the opposite conclusion. That Rick & Carl-centric episode was one of my least favorite but it got a

And Daryl is in Marlboro Country. Your passport book must be *awesome*.

Which means that AMC will inevitably fire them all at the end of the season.

The novelizations are based on the comic universe rather than the tv show universe. The Governor, in the comics anyway, is (at least by the time we meet him) actually a legit monster as opposed to a kind of creepy, unbalanced guy who keeps zombie heads.

I still hold The Stand against tv adaptations of Stephen King stuff.  Molly Ringwald doing… what she did to Fran Goldsmith leads to repressed memories.

I still hold The Stand against tv adaptations of Stephen King stuff.  Molly Ringwald doing… what she did to Fran Goldsmith leads to repressed memories.

I know this is quite a bit late, but I'd like to say how glad I am you've determined for all lgbt people the degree of offense or annoyance we should feel at constantly being portrayed by straight people and our stories written by straight people who, in the vast majority of cases, REALLY don't get it.

I know this is quite a bit late, but I'd like to say how glad I am you've determined for all lgbt people the degree of offense or annoyance we should feel at constantly being portrayed by straight people and our stories written by straight people who, in the vast majority of cases, REALLY don't get it.

I know a couple of darker elements of the original series have already been mentioned, but I'd personally bring up Azula's descent into madness, and particularly the screaming / crying jag she goes on after Katara beats her as being *well* beyond dark…

I know a couple of darker elements of the original series have already been mentioned, but I'd personally bring up Azula's descent into madness, and particularly the screaming / crying jag she goes on after Katara beats her as being *well* beyond dark…