
you've gotta make your own music, sing your own special song

u gonna post a periscope link?

Sometimes I like to take a work document and arbitrarily decide to replace all letters with other letters and some letter combinations with single letters and I dunno, it amuses me for like 15 minutes sometimes I'm afraid I'll accidentally save the doc over the original copy and never notice

come armageddon, come armageddon, come

its th e h u m a n con d i t i on


honestly the worst part about the switch to the Kinja platform isnt so much the comment switch but if you already read those websites you're basically already reading whatever articles the avclub is going to post in 12 hours except now it will be on the same layout

think of how great our skin will be

and as always Im anappleghost on instagram, but, I'm only saying that because I'm thirsty for cat picture likes

"we can comment here now? thats not going to end well…"

one last sticky savage love tho

I dunno you probably should have still gone

Sure I can . . . . . .

I don't know what this is

It's the album I thought Daisy was going to be (and yet Daisy was an actual beast), it's all of the mood of D&G but none of the songs, or melodies, or interesting sounds

No I never saw moonlight but I appreciate you asking me a question about semen it is very comforting how well you understand my interests

the only way it makes sense is if its a part one or theres a second album that will actually be released in october… for a planned final album its a damp towel of one

I felt brave and poked a bees nest on saturday and have been living in constant anxiety and misery since and also I forgot to wear underwear today

i dont know where the sunbeams end and the starlight begins its all a mystery

how fucking awesome is Consequence