
Is this what you learned from the Tillamook Burn?

way to go, daddio

'Peeing on People' is a criminally empty tag

A years salary? What's that - a pack? Ah ha ha. Whatelsewhatelsewhatelse

What about our tastes in contemporary art

the Dismemberment Plan its a very, very, very good song

I'm too dumb/nice/attached to cut him out of my life completely sadly.

the city's been dead since you've been gone

god dammit

Yeah its kind of a bummer. I think the album itself is fine but once its over it's just over and nothing sticks in my head. Bejar is missed on it!

I don't even know that song sadly, haha. It's just on my phone because I was seeing them live and wanted to know some songs but then I just kind of forgot to ever listen.

I did not like this musical

I think if I was forced to only listen to one song the rest of my life, I would be alright with The City being my fate

Television - Friction (TAKE AWAY MY AVCLUB CRED I do not know this band at all)
Bat For Lashes - If I Knew (this song and album was boring!)
Shearwater - A Long Time Away (man this is not a very good shuffle for me, I never listened to this album)
Villagers - Darling Arithmetic (I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF THIS BAND WHY ARE

Hey! Alright! I might be goddamned!


I like to grab a handful of hair, be it head chest or other

Yeah I know he's a pretty good read but, god, who would want to be such an asshole?

This is a crazy person post

trim is polite shaving is gross